It is always possible to access any output of any sink in Odysseus (same or other instance) with Reading Query Results via REST/Websocket. Because the URL changes everytime when the serving query changes, this operator allows to login to the (other) Odysseus instance and retrieve the necessary values to access the outputs via websockets.

The following parameters are available:

  • url: The URL of the Odysseus server that contains the query
  • username/password: The login credentials
  • query: The name or the id of ther query where the output should be retrieved
  • operator: The name of the operator in the given query where the results should be retrieved. This parameter is optional. When not given, the first found root is used.

The other parameters are from the Access Operators

#QNAME test
          url = 'http://localhost:8888',
          username = 'System',
          password = 'manager',
          query = 'test',
          source = 'source2',
          SCHEMA = [['time', 'StartTimestamp']]

// e.g. if there is another query like:
#QNAME test
timer = TIMER({PERIOD = 1000, TIMEFROMSTART = true, SOURCE = 'source'})
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