This operator can be used to translate an object (e.g. key-value/json object) to a tuple. In KeyValue case Names are JSON-Path Exceptions. If names contains special chars like ".", "*", etc. the chars will be replaced by "_". To define own names you ['Path','Name','Type'] in the schema.
The list of requested attributes (keys) and their data type.
The type of the output tupledateFormat:
Can be used to format the timestamp. To create a timestamp an attribute of data type STARTTIMESTAMP or ENDTIMESTAMP has to be added to schema.
Example 1
out = TOTUPLE({ schema=[['Name', 'Double']], type='Measurement' }, in )
Example 2
Assume that a data source in
sends key-value-pairs about persons in the following (JSON-)format:
{"Max", person.age=22, timestamp=11123}
Then, reading the name (and timestamp) is as follows:
out = TOTUPLE({ schema=[['', 'String'], ['timestamp', 'STARTTIMESTAMP']], type='Measurement' }, in )