Parses data in the LibSVM Format.


  • delay: Delay of reading in milliseconds (default 0). DEPRECATED: use scheduler.delay instead if not used together with delayeach
  • nanodelay: Delay of reading in nanoseconds (default 0).
  • delayeach: The number of lines between a delay is used (default 0).
  • readfirstline: Should the first line of the file be ignored (e.g. because of header information) (default: true)
  • debug: If set to true, some additional thinks are available: (default false)
  • dumpEachLine: Dumps lines to the console. if set to 1 each line will be dumped
  • measureEachLine: Measures the processing time between n elements that are dumped
  • lastLine/maxLines: Stop processing after n elements are read
  • svm.delimiter: The delimiter for splitting the input (Default:  ).

  • svm.textDelimiter: The delimiter for strings (Default: ' ).
  • addlinenumber: Adds the line number (starting with 0) to the beginning of the line. Remember to add a proper attribute to the schema! (default false).
  • svm.floatingFormatter:If used for writing, each double/float value will be formatted using this formatter (default null).
  • svm.numberFormatter: If used for writing, each number other than double/float value will be formatted using this formatter (default null).
  • svm.trim: Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in each element (default false)



CSV Protocol Handler
input = ACCESS({source='SVM', wrapper='GenericPush',
  dataHandler='Tuple',options=[['delimiter',' '],['textDelimiter',"'"],['readfirstline','true'],['delay','100']],
    ['points','Double'] ]


CSV Protocol Handler
CREATE STREAM svm (symbol String, points Double)   
    WRAPPER 'GenericPush'
    TRANSPORT 'File'
    OPTIONS ( delimiter' ' ', 'textDelimiter' "'", 'readfirstline' 'true', 'delay' '100')
  • No labels