This transport handler can be used to send Odysseus POST or PUT messages (e.g. via REST)
You will need to install the "Web Feature" to use this handler.
- Path: The path the server should listen to. When not given, path is "/"
- Port: The port for the http server. When not given: 8080
- Hostname: The name of the server
- immediate_response: A string with the response message to the client (use "false" for no reply)
#PARSER PQL #RUNQUERY in = RECEIVE({ transport = 'HttpServer', source = 'source', protocol = 'csv', datahandler = 'Tuple', schema = [['input','String']], options= [['immediate_response','ok']] } )
Here a client sends a simple csv message with just a single entry. Odysseus does not care about the method (e.g. POST or PUT)
It is also possible to restrict the web server with credentials:
#PARSER PQL #RUNQUERY input = RECEIVE({ transport = 'HTTPServer', source = 'source', protocol = 'Document', datahandler = 'Document', schema = [['content','String']], options= [['hostname',''],['port', '8080'], ['path', '/'], ['onedocpercall', 'false'] ,['user','user'] ,['password','pass'] ] } )
in this case you could e.g. send a message via curl:
curl -u user:pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data": { "eventtype":"leaf","epocutc":1671112105, "zone": "bz2454", "mac_address": "%%%MAC%%%", "RSSI":0 ,"techtype": 2}}' http://X.X.X.X:8080/