This transport handler allows to communicate with an MQTT broker (e.g. Mosquito)

The library used here for processing is PAHO.

To use this transport handler you need to install the MQTT Wrapper Feature.


  • topic: The topic to send or receive from
  • broker: The adress of the broker
  • client_id: The name of the client. Important: If you use Odysseus for sending and receiving, there must be different client_ids!


// Receiving elements

in = RECEIVE({
          transport = 'MQTT',
          protocol = 'simplecsv',
          source = 'mqttsource',
          datahandler = 'Tuple',
          options = [
          schema = [['Message', 'String']]                

// Sending elements
ping = TIMER({PERIOD = 1000, SOURCE = 'Timer'})

input = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = ['"Hallo " + toString(counter())']}, ping)

out = SENDER({
          transport = 'MQTT',
          protocol = 'simplecsv',
          sink = 'mqttsink',
          WRAPPER = 'GenericPush',
          datahandler = 'Tuple',
          options = [
        }, input            

Remark: Protocol and data handler are just examples. MQTT can be used with any other protocol and data handler (e.g. KeyValue):

in = RECEIVE({
          transport = 'MQTT',
          protocol = 'JSON',
          source = 'mqttsource',
          datahandler = 'KeyValueObject',
          options = [

ping = TIMER({PERIOD = 1000, SOURCE = 'Timer'})

input = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['"Hallo " + toString(counter())','message']]}, ping)

kv_input = TUPLETOKEYVALUE(input)

out = SENDER({
          transport = 'MQTT',
          protocol = 'JSON',
          sink = 'mqttsink',
          WRAPPER = 'GenericPush',
          datahandler = 'KeyValueObject',
          options = [
        }, kv_input            

Change Topic based on content of stream

Sometimes, you want to change the topic based on some stream content. As this is a transport handler it does nothing know about content, so we cannot provide e.g. an option to use an attribute as topic. But there is another way, using the Command Operator

timer = TIMER({
            id = 'timer1',
            period = 1000,
            starttime = 0 ,
            source = 'source'

filter = SELECT({
              predicate = 'time % 2 == 0',
              heartbeatrate = 1
/// Use updateTransportOption as function
/// first parameter is the name of the sink ("mqttsink")+".transport" to state, that an option of the transport handler should be changed
/// second: The option that should be changed ("TOPIC" is the only value, that is changeable)
/// third: A MEP-Expression that is evaluated and interpreted as String as the new value for the topic. 
/// Remark: The function is called in the moment the operator processes the input, i.e. the topic is changed in that moment. If there is e.g.
/// a buffer after this operator, then it is not really clear, which elements will be send to which topic, so it is typically the 
/// best to put the command operator directly before the sink 
command = COMMAND({
              COMMANDEXPRESSION = 'updateTransportOption("mqttsink.transport","TOPIC","TEST"+toString(time % 2))'
out = SENDER({ 
         transport = 'MQTT', 
         protocol = 'csv', 
         sink = 'mqttsink', 
         WRAPPER = 'GenericPush', 
         datahandler = 'tuple', 
         options = [ 
       }, command           

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