This site describes MEP functions available to use a Multi Dimensional Array (MDA) store. Such a MDA is basically a grid, whose borders, and distances between borders can be defined. As an example, the map of a city can be overlayed by a MDA to get equal sized zones or cells.
Functions for MDA stores are the following:
MDADim(Double, Double, Integer)
This function creates a new dimension for any MDA store.
- The lower border for the dimension
- The upper border for the dimension
- The number of borders for the dimension (incl. lower and upper)
The number of cells is than the number of borders minus 1.
Return value: List<Double>
All borders defining the dimension
0...100 | 100.01... 200 |
can be defined by
MDADim(0.0, 200.0, ToInteger(3))
0 | 100 | 200 |
MDAInit(String, List<List<Double>>)
This function creates a new MDA store.
- The name for the store
- A list of the dimensions for the MDA store. Each entry is a list of borders (see MDADim)
Return value: null
MDAInit("MyStore", ToList(MDADim(0.0, 200.0, ToInteger(3))))
This function drops an existing MDA store.
Argument: The name for the store
Return value: null
MDAIndex(String, Double)
This function retrieves the index of an one-dimensional
MDA store for a given value. In other words, it answers the quesion in which cell the values lies.
Short-cut for MDAIndices with one dimension.
- The name of the store
- The value to check
Note that it must be an one-dimensional MDA
Return value: Integer
The cell in which cell the values lies, or -1, if the value is outside the boundaries.
Using the Nexmark sources:
MDAIndex("MyStore", price)
MDAIndices(String, List<Double>)
This function retrieves the index of multi-dimensional MDA store for a given value. In other words, it answers the quesion in which cell the values lies.
- The name of the store
- The multi-dimensional value to check
Return value: List<Integer>
The cell in which cell the values lies, or -1 for any dimension, if the value is outside the boundaries of that dimension.
Using the Nexmark sources:
MDAIndex("MyStore", ToList(price, ToDouble(initialbid)))
MDAAddDim(String, [Integer,] List<Double>)
This function adds a new dimension to an existing MDA store.
- The name of the store
- Optional: The index of the dimension. Leave it out to add the dimension as the last dimension
- A list of borders (see MDADim)
Return value: null
MDAAddDim("MyStore", MDADim(0.0, 200.0, ToInteger(3)))
MDARemoveDim(String, Integer)
This function removes an existing dimension from an existing MDA store.
- The name of the store
- The index of the dimension to remove
Return value: null
MDARemoveDim("MyStore", ToInteger(0))
MDAExchangeDim(String, Integer, List<Double>)
This function replaces en existing dimension of an existing MDA store with a new dimension.
- The name for the store
- The index of the dimension to exchange
- A list of new borders (see MDADim)
Return value: null
MDAExchangeDim("MyDim", ToInteger(0), MDADim(200.0, 400.0, ToInteger(5)))