This operator searches for anomalies in a sequence in comparison to the learned sequences. To do this, the operator uses the deviation information created by the DeviationSequenceLearn operator. For each tuple of a sequence, the value is compared to the learned distribution (mean and standard deviation). The data input port is 0, the input port with learn data is 1.
- interval Defines, how many standard deviations are allowed for a tuple to be different from the mean. 3.0 is the default value. Choose a smaller value to get more anomalies
- tupleCountLearnAttribute The attribute name on the learn port that gives the group count (the counter that gives each tuple in the sequence a number)
- meanLearnAttribute The attribute name on the learn port that has the mean
- standardDeviationLearnAttribute The attribute name on the learn port that has the standard deviation
- valueDataAttribute Name of the attribute which should be analysed
- GROUP_BY If you use a deviationSequenceLearn operator, use 'group' as grouping attribute.
- fastGrouping Use hash code instead of tuple compare to create group. Potentially unsafe!
The DeviationSequenceAnomalyDetection operator uses the learned data from the previous DeviationSequenceLearn operator.
#PARSER PQL #RUNQUERY /// Values above 50 will be 'true' (which means that the current sequence starts / runs) and smaller values to 'false' (means: sequence ended) stateInfo = MAP({ expressions = ['temp', ['temp > 50', 'state']] }, System.manual ) /// The elements within one sequence will be counted (starts from 1 with each new sequence) sequence = MAP({ expressions = ['temp','counter(state)'] }, stateInfo ) /// The tuple which marks the end of the sequence (and itself is not part of the sequence) has the counter_state_ 0 and will be filtered out onlySequence = SELECT({PREDICATE = 'counter_state_ > 0'}, sequence) /// Learn how a "normal" sequence is. The first 15 sequences will be learned and used as the definition of "normal" sequenceLearn = DEVIATIONSEQUENCELEARN({ group_by = ['counter_state_'], parameterAttribute = 'temp', sequencesToLearn = 15 }, onlySequence ) /// Check, if the current tuple of this sequence differes from the normal tuples of the sequence at the specific point of the sequence sequenceAnalysis = DEVIATIONSEQUENCEANOMALYDETECTION({ interval = 4.0, standardDeviationLearnAttribute = 'standardDeviation', group_by = ['group'], meanLearnAttribute = 'mean', valueDataAttribute = 'temp' }, 0:sequenceLearn, 1:sequenceLearn )