This operator allows to define temporal pattern to match against the stream. For this purpose we use the SASE+ query language. The query is expressed in the parameter query. The used source has to be of the correct type (for the examples s05 and s08). If the type of the source is not set or wrong it can be set using the Rename Operator. The parameter heartbeatrate defines how often a heartbeat should be generated if an element is processed but didn't yield a processing result.



s05 = RENAME({type='s05', aliases = ['ts', 'edge']},...)
PATTERNDETECT({heartbeatrate=1,query='PATTERN SEQ(s05 s1, s08 s2) where skip_till_any_match(s1,s2){ s1.edge=s2.edge } return s1.ts,s2.ts'}, s05, s08)