
In this tutorial we will going to setup Odysseus Studio with OdysseusNet capabilities and start it as a master node. Then worker nodes are started with docker-compose and will be dynamically added to the master node with OdysseusNet in Odysseus Studio. At next queries will be remotely executed on the worker nodes from the master node.

Setup of Odysseus Studio with OdysseusNet

Setup Odysseus with Development with Odysseus, but change the following

Now you have installed the target platform, before you launch the product, we are going to add the OdysseusNet monolithic target to the normal monolithic target (see for a general tutorial Adding features to products) :

The OdysseusNet monolithic target also includes the OdysseusNet server target.

If successfully started you can close Odysseus Studio for now for changing OdysseusNet config under ODYSSEUS_HOME (OdysseusNet Configuration)

With Linux the ODYSSEUS_HOME (ODYSSEUS_HOME) is ~/.odysseus, there you can change the odysseusNet.config to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>OdysseusNet Property File edit only if you know what you are doing</comment>
<entry key="net.networkoperatorgenerator">websocket</entry>
<entry key="net.node.default.username">System</entry>
<entry key="net.dd.local">true</entry>
<entry key="net.node.name">OdysseusNode_1554</entry>
<entry key="net.discoverer.name">BroadcastOdysseusNodeDiscoverer,IPListOdysseusNodeDiscoverer</entry>
<entry key="net.querydistribute.allocation">querycount</entry>
<entry key="net.source.lifetime">3600000</entry>
<entry key="net.connect.selector.name">GroupSelectorComponent</entry>
<entry key="net.dd.checkinterval">30000</entry>
<entry key="net.remoteUpdate">false</entry>
<entry key="net.node.communicator">rest</entry>
<entry key="net.node.preserveid">false</entry>
<entry key="net.querydistribute.minport">10000</entry>
<entry key="net.autostart">true</entry>
<entry key="net.querydistribute.partition">querycloud</entry>
<entry key="net.querydistribute.randomport">false</entry>
<entry key="net.discoverer.interval">5000</entry>
<entry key="net.node.default.password">manager</entry>
<entry key="net.node.group">OdysseusGroup</entry>
<entry key="net.querydistribute.maxport">20000</entry>
<entry key="net.logging.receive">false</entry>

if you want to persist your registered nodes, you could also add:

<entry key="net.nodemanager.storetype">filestore</entry>
<entry key="net.nodemanager.filename"><PATHTOHOME>/store/nodes.store</entry>

In this case you should replace <PATHTOHOME> e.g. with the ODYSSEUS_HOME folder.

Setup of Odysseus worker nodes

Now we start Nexmark (a data stream simulation tool, see Getting Started with Nexmark) and Odysseus worker nodes with docker-compose, therefore create a docker-compose.yml in a directory (it will be named $CURRENT_DIRECTORY here for reference, in practice it could be e. g. the odysseusnet-repo) and with the following content (adopted from OdysseusNet Docker Compose Example):

version: '3.3'

        image: odysseusol/nexmark
           - 65440-65443:65440-65443
        image: odysseusol/odysseusnet
        stdin_open: true
            - 18881:8888
            - ./worker01:/var/lib/odysseus

        image: odysseusol/odysseusnet
        stdin_open: true
            - 18882:8888
            - ./worker02:/var/lib/odysseus

        image: odysseusol/odysseusnet
        stdin_open: true
            - 18883:8888
            - ./worker03:/var/lib/odysseus

As of now a normal Ubuntu 20.04 only supports docker-compose yml syntax to version 3.3 instead of 3.8 in Windows as stated in other yml files, but most of them are downwards compatible, because newer features are not that widespread at the moment.

As a workaround make sure the worker01-03 directories have the 777-permissions with:

sudo chmod 777 -R worker0*

Otherwise the internal Odysseus worker node user cannot access the volume properly and fails.

All configuration files will be placed under the $CURRENT_DIRECTORY, e. g. there are the following files:

logs  odysseus.conf  odysseusNet.conf  reloadlog.store  scheduling.conf  store

You can then start the docker stack with:

docker-compose up -d

Setup of Odysseus Webstudio

You can use the Odysseus Webstudio (WebStudio) for monitoring and interacting with the worker nodes. There are two options:

Use the webstudio

If you just want to use the Webstudio you should just download the docker-compose.yml file from here:


For Linux: As this is not a root container, you need to give read access to the user of the docker container. The easiest way is to use 777

Develop the webstudio

To install it, first clone the Webstudio-repo (https://git.swl.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/projects/API_APPS/repos/webstudio/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2Fdevelopment) and checkout the development-branch with

git clone https://git.swl.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/scm/api_apps/webstudio.git
git checkout -b development

Then create and give the all permissions to everyone to the following directories as a workaround:

mkdir backend 
chmod 777 -R backend 

For starting the docker stack you can set the images accordingly in the docker-compose.yml in the home dir

At last you can start the stack with:

docker-compose up -d

Add the nodes in Odysseus Studio

It the view is not available, you should use Window/Show View/other... and then select Nodes from the OdysseusNet section.

Before you can install queries on the nodes, you have to add the worker nodes with:


#ADD_NODE (name=worker_1) (serverAddress=${HOST}) (serverPort=18881) (username=System) (password=manager)
#ADD_NODE (name=worker_2) (serverAddress=${HOST}) (serverPort=18882) (username=System) (password=manager)
#ADD_NODE (name=worker_3) (serverAddress=${HOST}) (serverPort=18883) (username=System) (password=manager)

Install the remote query

Run the following OdysseusScript query in Odysseus Studio.

#REMOTEQUERY (name=worker_1)

nexmark:person := ACCESS({source='nexmark:person',
        ['host', 'nexmark'],
        ['port', '65440'],
        ['ByteOrder', 'LittleEndian']
        ['timestamp', 'STARTTIMESTAMP'],
        ['id', 'INTEGER'],
        ['name', 'STRING'],
        ['email', 'STRING'],
        ['creditcard', 'STRING'],
        ['city', 'STRING'],
        ['state', 'STRING']

out = nexmark:person

Remark, that the host is 'nexmark' instead of 'localhost', because the remote worker node 'worker_01' is started in the default docker network and access the nexmark by the DNS resolved service name 'nexmark'

See the remote query output

Here is described how you can see the remote query output.

Odysseus Studio

You can the following query in Odysseus Studio to access the output (Reading Query Results via REST/Websocket):

in = ACCESS({
    transport = 'WebsocketClient', 
    wrapper = 'GenericPush',
    datahandler = 'Tuple',
    protocol = 'CSV',
    source = 'access',
    readMetadata = 'true',
    options = [
    schema = [['timestamp','StartTimestamp'],['id','Integer'],['name','String'],['email','String'],['creditcard','String'],['city','String'],['state','String']]

You have to adjust the optioins-uri in the query with the rootOperators-websockets-CSV uri from http://localhost:18881/queries/0 

You can then show the last x elements:

Odysseus Webstudio

In Webstudio you can see the query output unter the queries tab: