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This operator is used to aggregate and group the input stream.


  • group_by: An optional list of attributes over which the grouping should occur.
  • aggregations: A list if elements where each element contains up to four string:
    • The name of the aggregate function, e.g. MAX
    • The input attribute over which the aggregation should be done
    • The name of the output attribute for this aggregation
    • The optional type of the output
  • dumpAtValueCount: This parameter is used in the interval approach. Here a result is generated, each time an aggregation cannot be changed anymore. This leads to fewer results with a larger validity. With this parameter the production rate can be raised. A value of 1 means, that for every new element the aggregation operator receives new output elements are generated. This leads to more results with a shorter validity.
  • outputPA: This parameter allow to dump partial aggregates instead of evaluted values. The partial aggregates can be send to other aggregation operators and do a final aggregation (e.g. in case of distribution). The input schema of an aggregate operator that read partial aggregates must state a datatype that is a partial aggregated (see example below). Remark: Aggregate has one input and requires ordered input. To combine different parital aggregations e.g. a union operator is needed to reorder the input elements.

Aggregation Functions

The set of aggregate functions is extensible. The following list is in the core Odysseus:

  • MAX: The maximum element
  • MIN: The minimum element
  • AVG: The average element
  • SUM: The sum of all elements
  • COUNT: The number of elements
  • MEDIAN: The median element
  • STDDEV: The standard deviation

Some nonstandard aggregations: These should only be used, if you a familiar with them:

  • FIRST: The first element
  • LAST: The last element
  • NTH: The nth element
  • RATE: The number of elements per time unit
  • NEST: Nest the attribute values in a list
  • COMPLETENESS: Ratio of NULL-value elements to number of elements


Aggregate Operator
output = AGGREGATE({
                    group_by = ['bidder'], 
                    aggregations=[ ['MAX', 'price', 'max_price', 'double'] ]
                   }, input)

// Parital Aggregate example
            ['count', 'id', 'count', 'PartialAggregate'],
            ['sum', 'id', 'avgsum', 'PartialAggregate'],
            ['min', 'id', 'min', 'PartialAggregate'],
            ['max', 'id', 'max', 'PartialAggregate']
            ['count', 'count', 'count', 'Integer'],
            ['sum', 'avgsum', 'sum', 'Double'],
            ['avg', 'avgsum', 'avg', 'Double'],
            ['min', 'min', 'min', 'Integer'],
            ['max', 'max', 'max', 'Integer']
Aggregate Operator
SELECT MAX(price) AS max_price FROM input GROUP BY bidder
  • No labels