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dumpStream <hash | name> <time>Prints the current output data stream elements of the specified physical operator (specified by its hash or name). Printing stops after the specified amount of time. 
dumpPlan <queryID>Prints the physical plan (with its operators) of the query with the specified queryID. 


startOdysseusNetStarts/Activates OdysseusNet, if not activated 
stopOdysseusNetStops/Deactivated OdysseusNet, if activated 
isOdysseusNetStartedPrints out if OdysseusNet is started or not 



helpNetPrints help text for these console commands 


log <logLevel> <message>Logs a message with the specified log level. Supported log levels are trace, debug, info, warn and error.log debug "I am a message"
setLogger <loggerName> <logLevel> (duration)Sets the log level for the specified logger. If optional duration (in milliseconds) is specified, the log level is reset back to previous level after this amount of time.setLogger debug 20000
setLoggerOdysseus <loggerName> <logLevel> (duration)Like setLogger, except the prefix for the logger name must not be specified.setLoggerOdysseus core debug 20000
listLoggers (filter)Lists all available/active loggers. Filters the list if filter is specified.listLoggers core
lsLoggers (filters)See listLoggers 


listNodesLists all known nodes (connected and not connected ones) 
lsNodesSee listNodes. 
describeNode <nodename | nodeid>Prints available information about the specified node (by name or by id) 
descNode <nodename | nodeid>See describeNode 
showLocalNodePrints node information of the own (local) node 
listConnectedNodesLists all nodes which are connected to own node 
lsConnectedNodesSee listConnectedNodes 
isConnected <nodename | nodeid>Prints if the specified node is connected to own node or not. 


System properties

listSystemProperties (filter)Lists all system properties (and values). Filters the list if filter is specified.listSystemProperties os
lsSystemProperties (filter)See listSystemProperties 
setSystemProperty <propName> <value>Sets the system property propName to value value.setSystemProperty user.home Lala
