On the Classifiers Tab, you can define the classifiers, i.e., which attributes are mapped to the node labels of the resulting process models during process discovery. You can add a new classifier by clicking
in the tool bar. After selecting a classifier, you can click on to edit or on to remove the selected classifier.In the dialog for creating or editing a classifier, you can define the name of the classifier which will be shown in the user interface. Below the name field, there are two lists. The upper list contains a collection of all attributes (dimensions and simple attributes) of the data cube, while the lower list shows the collection of attributes defining the classifier. To add an attribute to the classifier, you need to select it in the upper list and click on
. To remove an attribute from the classifier, you must select it in the lower list and click on . As the order of classifier's attributes defines the label of the node (the values of the attributes are concatenated in the order of the attributes in the lower list), you can move the selected attribute in the lower list one position up or down by clicking or , respectively.After you have created one or more classifiers, you can select the default classifier from the drop down menu on the bottom of the tab. The default classifier will be automatically selected, when you start a new analysis.