On the Dimensions Tab, you must define all dimensions of the data cube. On the left-side of the tab, all dimensions and their dimension levels are presented in a tree structure. You can add a dimension by clicking in the toolbar above the tree view. The most coarse-grained dimension level (ALL) -- which comprises all values of the dimension -- is automatically added to each dimension and cannot be edited. To add a dimension level, you must select its designated parent level and right-click on it. Then select Add Dimension Level from the context menu. The properties of the selected dimension or dimension level are displayed on the right-side of the tab where you can edit them. For a dimension, you can edit the following properties:
Name: The name of the dimension which is displayed in the user interface. To avoid confusion, it should be unique.
Type: The type of the dimension. It should be equivalent to the type of the database columns which will store the values for the dimension.
Semantics: Optional annotation to define some semantic for the dimension.
Default Scope: The default scope for the dimension.
Alternative Scopes: The alternative scopes defined for the dimension.
For a dimension level, you can edit the following properties:
Name: The name of the dimension level which is displayed in the user interface. To avoid confusion, it should be unique and should describe the level of granularity the dimension level it represents.
Value Provider: The way how the dimension level values are defined. You can select one of the following options:
Database: The values of the dimension level are loaded from the database.
User Defined: The values are explicitly defined by the user. For more information about this, see the Value Providers page.
Data Sources: The source of the dimension level's data for each event table. See the Data Sources page for more information.