Work in progress!


Although, there is already a large set of wrappers available for Odysseus, there is often the need to create a new specific adapter for a specific source. To ease the creation of new wrapper, we created an adapter framework.

There are two kinds of generic wrapper:

To avoid redundant coding, the wrappers are built from basic elements (handler), each representing a specific function in the wrapping process.

In a source, the information is send from the transport handler, via the protocol handler to the datahandler.

The wrapper can also be used at sink side, i.e. to send data from Odysseus to other systems. In this case, the information is send from the datahandler via the protocol handler to the transport handler. Each handler can provide both ways, i.e. retrieving and sending of data but is not required to. So some handler may only be used in sources, while other only in sinks.

This document explains how to write new wrappers using this generic wrappers.

Creating a new Transport Handler

To create a new TransportHandler, the Interface ITransportHandler must be implemented or the class AbstractTransportHandler be extended.

Depending on the way, the handler works, different methods need to be implemented.

Independent of Push/Pull

public ITransportHandler createInstance(IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler, Map<String, String> options);

This method must return a new initialized transport handler. Typically, the constructor is called.

    public ITransportHandler createInstance(
            IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler, Map<String, String> options) {
        return new FileHandler(protocolHandler, options);

The methode getName() must deliver a global unique transport handler name.

    String getName();

Its a good was to use this a follows (again example of FileHandler):

	public static final String NAME = "File";
    public String getName() {
        return NAME;

When implementing ITransportHandler, open and close need to be implemented.

Hint: In the following we will assume, that AbstractTransportHandler will be overwritten.

AbstractTransportHandler provides already default implementations that cannot be overwritten (its implementend in AbstractTransportHandlerDelegate):

    final synchronized public void open() throws UnknownHostException,
            IOException {
        if (openCounter == 0) {
            if (getExchangePattern() != null
                    && (getExchangePattern().equals(
                            || getExchangePattern().equals(
                                    ITransportExchangePattern.InOptionalOut) || getExchangePattern()
                            .equals(ITransportExchangePattern.InOut))) {
            if (getExchangePattern() != null
                    && (getExchangePattern().equals(
                            || getExchangePattern().equals(
                                    ITransportExchangePattern.OutOptionalIn) || getExchangePattern()
                            .equals(ITransportExchangePattern.InOut))) {
    final synchronized public void close() throws IOException {
        if (openCounter == 0) {
            if (getExchangePattern() != null
                    && (getExchangePattern().equals(
                            || getExchangePattern().equals(
                                    ITransportExchangePattern.InOptionalOut) || getExchangePattern()
                            .equals(ITransportExchangePattern.InOut))) {
            if (getExchangePattern() != null
                    && (getExchangePattern().equals(
                            || getExchangePattern().equals(
                                    ITransportExchangePattern.OutOptionalIn) || getExchangePattern()
                            .equals(ITransportExchangePattern.InOut))) {

The corresponding methods:

are called from the framework. In this methods the TransportHandler must open or close the connections. The "IN"-methods are called for sources, the "OUT" for sinks. When starting or stopping a query, open and close are called respectively.

In the following again the implemenations for the FileHandler

    public void processInOpen() throws IOException {        
        if (!preload) {
            final File file = new File(filename);
            try {
                in = new FileInputStream(file);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;
        } else {
            fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
            FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel();
            long size = channel.size();
            double x = size / (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int n = (int) Math.ceil(x);
            ByteBuffer buffers[] = new ByteBuffer[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                buffers[i] = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            in = createInputStream(buffers);

    public void processInClose() throws IOException {
        if (fis != null) {

    public void processOutOpen() throws IOException {        
        final File file = new File(filename);
        try {
            out = new FileOutputStream(file, append);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

    public void processOutClose() throws IOException {




Source-Generic PUll



Source-Generic Push

Sink-Generic Pull

Sink-Generic Push





OSGi, Registering, Declarative service

Creating a new Protocol Handler