At the moment we are developing a simple plugin for odysseus. 

To try the current state you could use the following docker file:

FROM node:14 as node-base
RUN echo "Installing required packages..." && \
	apt-get update && \
	apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends python
RUN echo "Cloning Odysseus Grafana plugin source..." && \
	git clone /var/lib/ody_grafana
WORKDIR /var/lib/ody_grafana/grafana-plugins/odysseus
RUN mkdir build
RUN echo "Building Odysseus Grafana plugin binaries..." && \
	yarn install && \
	yarn dev
FROM grafana/grafana:7.4.3 AS grafana
RUN echo "Copying Odysseus Grafana plugin binaries..."
COPY --from=node-base /var/lib/ody_grafana/grafana-plugins/odysseus /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ody-streaming-datasource
WORKDIR /usr/share/grafana
USER grafana

Use this:

docker build . -t grafana
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name grafana grafana

Then you could use Odysseus in grafana as a datasource.

You will need to provide the server-adress: e.g. with ws://localhost:8888/

ATM there are some shotcommings that will be removed in future versions:

You will need to determine the websocket address manually by using a webbrowser (we recommend Firefox because of better JSON presentation) (http://localhost:8888/queries/<nr>) and find the section websockets with protocol JSON and use the entry with uri for creating panels in grafana:

The output of the connected query