Extending the framework

AccessAO, AccessAOBuilder ¿ PQL Documentation
GenericPush and GenericPull
New Wrapper


Transport Handler

A Transport Handler is responsible for the communication between an arbitrary source or sink and Odysseus. Multiple Transport Handlers already exists in Odysseus and are documented here. They also serve as a good starting point for own Transport Handler.


To implement a Push Transport Handler (a transport handler that receives data instead of requests) an AbstractPushTransportHandler has to be extended. Only a few methods have to be implemented like the send method that transfers data to source or target of the transport, the getName method which returns the unique name of this transport handler, and the create instance method which creates a new instance of this transport handler with the given options. Further, ones has to implement the process open and process close methods. These methods are used to open or close the transport channel depending on the exchange pattern of the transport handler. There are 8 possible transport pattern based on the Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) namely they are: InOnly, RobustInOnly, InOut, InOptionalOut, OutOnly, RobustOutOnly, OutIn, and OutOptionalIn.

public class ExampleTransportHandler extends AbstractPushTransportHandler {
    /** Logger */
    private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleTransportHandler.class);

    public ExampleTransportHandler() {
    public ExampleTransportHandler(IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler) {
    public void send(byte[] message) throws IOException {
    public ITransportHandler createInstance(
            IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler, Map<String, String> options) {
        ExampleTransportHandler handler = new ExampleTransportHandler(
        // Set options
        return handler;

    public String getName() {
        return "Example";
    public void processInOpen() throws IOException {

    public void processOutOpen() throws IOException {

    public void processInClose() throws IOException {

    public void processOutClose() throws IOException {

    public ITransportExchangePattern getExchangePattern() {
        return ITransportExchangePattern.InOnly;


The implementation of a Pull Transport Handler is similar to the Push Transport Handler except the fact that ones has to implement the two methods getInputStream and getOutputStream that are used by a protocol handler to request the next data element.

public class ExampleTransportHandler extends AbstractPullTransportHandler {
    /** Logger */
    private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleTransportHandler.class);
    private InputStream in;
    private outputStrem out;
    public ExampleTransportHandler() {
    public ExampleTransportHandler(IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler) {
    public void send(byte[] message) throws IOException {
    public ITransportHandler createInstance(
            IProtocolHandler<?> protocolHandler, Map<String, String> options) {
        SpeechTransportHandler handler = new SpeechTransportHandler(
        // Set options
        return handler;

    public String getName() {
        return "Example";
    public void processInOpen() throws IOException {

    public void processOutOpen() throws IOException {

    public void processInClose() throws IOException {

    public void processOutClose() throws IOException {

    public InputStream getInputStream() {
        return in;
    public OutputStream getOutputStream() {
        return out;
    public ITransportExchangePattern getExchangePattern() {
        return ITransportExchangePattern.InOnly;

Protocol Handler

A Protocol Handler is responsible for the conversion between an arbitrary data model and the Odysseus data model. Multiple Protocol Handlers already exists in Odysseus and are documented here. They also serve as a good starting point for own Protocol Handler.

To implement a Protocol handler an AbstractProtocolHandler has to be extended. A few method has to be implemented here. First of all the method getName has to be implemented that returns the unique name of the protocol handler. After that, the method createInstance need to be implemented to create a new instance of the protocol handler with the given options. By the fact that a protocol handler can be used in a pull  and a push fashion, the methods hasNext and getNext for pull access and process for push access have both to be implemented to read data and the method write has to be implemented to write data. Further, the methods open and close to open and close the transport handler and initialize or shutdown the the source/sink should be implemented. Other methods like the onConnect and onDisconnectcan be implemented to treat events in the transport channel adequate. Depending on the applications ones wants to override the methods getExchangePattern to define the supported exchange pattern for the transport direction and access.

public class ExampleProtocolHandler<T> extends AbstractProtocolHandler<T> {

    public ExampleProtocolHandler() {
    public ExampleProtocolHandler(ITransportDirection direction,
            IAccessPattern access) {
        super(direction, access);
    public void open() throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
    public void close() throws IOException {
    public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
        return true;
    public T getNext() throws IOException {
        return getDataHandler().readData("data");
    public void write(T object) throws IOException {

    public IProtocolHandler<T> createInstance(ITransportDirection direction,
            IAccessPattern access, Map<String, String> options,
            IDataHandler<T> dataHandler, ITransferHandler<T> transfer) {
        ExampleProtocolHandler<T> instance = new ExampleProtocolHandler<T>(direction,
        return instance;
    public String getName() {
        return "Example";
    public void onConnect(ITransportHandler caller) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void onDisonnect(ITransportHandler caller) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void process(ByteBuffer message) {