
The Dashboard-Feature includes Dashboards into Odysseus Studio. A Dashboard is a screen (or view) with multiple query result visualisations. It is a possibility to customize the appereance of Odysseus for end-users. Due the integration to the project-infrastructure, dashboards are permanently saved. If a dashboard is shown on screen, the underlying queries will be executed automatically to receive results to visualize. If a dashboard is closed, previously added queries will be removed. This makes consistent statistic visualization through multiple Odysseus starts possible.


To use the Dashboard-Feature, the feature-plugin must be included in the product-configuration. Currently, it contains the plugins, and The latter contains only one sample DashboardPart. It can be manually excluded if desired.


As mentioned above, a Dashboard is a container of multiple DashboardParts. Each DashboardPart contains exacly one visualization of a query-script (see Odysseus Script for defining scripts in Odysseus). Dashboards are stored as plain XML-Files with dsh-Ending. 

Adding Dashboards

To include a new Dashboard to a project or workspace, the classical way of adding new files in Eclipse can be followed. Either through the 'New'-Menu or by the context-menu in the Project Explorer, new Dashboard-Files can be named and added. At first, a Dashboard is empty. The shown screen is completely white. The next step is to add DashboardParts (see DashboardParts in this article).

Adding DashboardParts to Dashboards

Assuming that a number of DashboardParts already exists in the Workspace, one of them can be added by editing the xml-contents of the Dashboard-file:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <DashboardPart file="Relative/Path/To/File.dsh" h="300" w="300" x="100" y="100"/>

A graphical way to add DashboardParts to Dashboards is planned.


Removing DashboardParts


Create new DashboardPart

Configure DashboardPart

Remove DashboardPart