Query can be modified via Odysseus script. For this, the queries must be named. A query can be named with #QNAME:

#QNAME query1
SELECT * FROM nexmark:person


This command can be used to start a named query.



This command can be used to stop a nazmed query.



This comand can be used to pause a query. Remark: received elements are stored, so this can lead to a memory problem.



This comand can be used to reduce load of a query by throwing away some received elements. The factor is a number between 0 and 100 where 0 means keep every element and 100 throw away every element

#PARTIALQUERY query1 factor


A suspended query can be resumed by this.



Remove a query from the system. Cannot be undone.



With this comand, the execution of a Odysseus Script can be paused until a query is stopped or removed. period in ms states in which time intervals the query should be checked (default is 1000). maxwaitingtime states how should be waited for the query at maxium (default wait forever).

#WAITFORQUERY query1 [period [maxwaitingtime]]


This command removes all currently by the calling user installed queries.