The protocol handler receives data from a transport handler and prepares it for the data handler or receives data from the data handler and prepares it for the transport handler. A simple protocol is a comma separated list (CSV).

To create a new protocol handler AbstractProtocolHandler must be extended (or IProtocolHandler implemented)

     * Creates a new protocol handler
     * @param direction is this handler used in a source (IN) or in a sink (OUT)
     * @param access which kind of access pattern is supported (  PUSH,  PULL,  ROBUST_PUSH,  ROBUST_PULL)
     * @param options set of options as key value pairs
     * @param dataHandler the data handler thats connected to the protocol handler
     * @return
    public IProtocolHandler<T> createInstance(ITransportDirection direction, IAccessPattern access,
            Map<String, String> options, IDataHandler<T> dataHandler);


The following method could be overwritten:



For pushbased access the methods from the Interface ITransportHandlerListener need to be overwritten:

     * Is called when a new connection with the transport handler is established
     * @param caller
    void onConnect(ITransportHandler caller);
     * Is called when an existing connection to the transport handler is interrupted
     * @param caller
    void onDisonnect(ITransportHandler caller);
     * Implement this method to process the message
     * @param message as ByteBuffer
    void process(ByteBuffer message);
     * Implement this method to process the message
     * @param message as String Array
    void process(String[] message);
     * Implement this method to process the message
     * @param message as T
    void process(T m);

Typically, these methods are called from the underlying transport handler