(currently work-in-progress)

Despite the graphical integration in Odysseus Studio, OdysseusNet provides console commands to control distributed data stream processing in the OSGi-Console. These console commands are available if OdysseusNet is activated (see OdysseusNet). The following commands are supported:


helpNetPrints help text for these console commands 



log <logLevel> <message>Logs a message with the specified log level. Supported log levels are trace, debug, info, warn and error.log debug "I am a message"
setLogger <loggerName> <logLevel> (duration)Sets the log level for the specified logger. If optional duration (in milliseconds) is specified, the log level is reset back to previous level after this amount of time.setLogger de.uniol.inf.is.odysseus.core debug 20000
setLoggerOdysseus <loggerName> <logLevel> (duration)Like setLogger, except the prefix de.uniol.inf.is.odysseus for the logger name must not be specified.setLoggerOdysseus core debug 20000