You are able to use Odysseus Script to parallelize an created script automatically. To use this functionality Odysseus Script provides to keywords.


This keyword tells Odysseus, that the given query needs to be parallelized. There are two parameters that are mandatory and one optional parameter. 

The following example shows the usage of this keyword. This example uses the inter-operator parallelization with an degree of 4 and an automatic buffersize.

windowBid = TIMEWINDOW({SIZE = [1, 'MINUTES'],
                  advance = [1, 'SECONDS']
                  }, bid)

windowAuction = TIMEWINDOW({SIZE = [10, 'MINUTES'],
                  advance = [1, 'SECONDS']
                  }, auction)

join = JOIN({PREDICATE = 'bid.bidder =='}, windowBid, windowAuction)

If this keyword is used, every operator of the query, which has an compatible parallelization strategy is transformed. If only a one are a few operators should parallelized the following keyword need to be used in addition.