Versions Compared


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New. You can now use tycho to build Odysseus modules.

Important: Due to a bug in tycho currently maven version 3.6.2 cannot be used. So use 3.6.1 instead.

If you want to create a module that should sometimes be added to the Odysseus eco system (building and updatesite) you need to follow some rules for the tycho build.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


To allow local and solobuilds the there must be a pom.xml on the main level of the project. In the following there is an example from odysseus_core.


The are different parts in this maven pom. On the top there is the base information:. For your project you must change the <artifactId> the to a unique name.

In the parent clause the parent is defined. In this the parent things such things as the target platform and the different base configurations are handled.


Replace ${PLATFORMTARGETFILE} with the required PLATFORMTARGETFILE.For odysseus_core e.g.:

Here are some examples

Code Block
// Odysseus core
mvn clean verify -Dtargetfilename=platform_core
// Stable development build
mvn clean verify -Dtargetfilename=platform_development_stable
// All master build
mvn clean verify -Dtargetfilename=platform_master_all

The build The build typically takes some time as dependencies are resolved and the artifacts are build.


Attention: The are no blancs in the "P-section"!

See The Odysseus Operator Test Framework for information how to create integration tests for your module.

Global build

Here are some example

Code Block
// Odysseus core
mvn clean verify -Pproduct,solobuild,currentOS -Dtargetfilename=platform_core
// Stable development build
mvn clean verify -Pproduct,solobuild,currentOS -Dtargetfilename=platform_development_stable
// All master build
mvn clean verify -Pproduct,solobuild,currentOS -Dtargetfilename=platform_master_all

See The Odysseus Operator Test Framework for information how to create integration tests for your module.

Global build

If you want to combine different modules to a global build (e.g. as we do in jenkins to create all odysseus_stable and incubation modules) you need to do the following:


Code Block

modules>    <parent>

2) Add odysseus_dev as submodule

Code Block
git submodule add

3) Add all required modules as submodules

4) Do something like in the following:

Code Block
# Install the parent
cd ${WORKSPACE}/odysseus_dev/</artifactId>configuration
mvn clean install

# Do     <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>


2) Add odysseus_dev as submodule

Code Block
git submodule add

3) Add all required modules as submodules

4) Do something like in the following:

Code Block
# Install the parent
cd ${WORKSPACE}/odysseus_devprocessing
# Combine all category.xml of the submodules to a new category.xml
rm -rf tooling
git clone
javac "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/"
java -cp "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/" "${WORKSPACE}" "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/
mvn clean install

# Do processing
cd updatesite" "${WORKSPACE}
# Combine all category.xml of the submodules to a new category.xml
rm -rf tooling
git clone
cp "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/"
java -cp "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/" "${WORKSPACE}" "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/" "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/.update.p2/category.xml" ${WORKSPACE}/releng/ 

#Run the build 
mvn  clean verify -P!\solobuild -Dtargetfilename=platform_core

Install Features via Command Line

It is possible to install features without starting the product (e.g. to create a docker image with a distinct combination of features), e.g.:

Code Block
eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU"        
cp "${WORKSPACE}/tooling/ci/" ${WORKSPACE}/ -destination H:/git/odysseus_core/odysseus_dev/products/monolithic/target/products/ 

#Run the build 
mvn  clean verify -P!\solobuild -Dtargetfilename=platform_core

.studio.product.monolithic/win32/win32/x86_64 -profile SDKProfile

See: for further information.