Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • byteorder: The byte order for the communication (optional)
  • username: The username for the administration of the laser scanner(optional)
  • password: The password for the administration of the laser scanner (optional)
  • rawdata: Should the rawdata sent by the scanner be added to the key-value object? (default: false)
  • ignoretimestamp: Should the scanner timestamp be replaced with the current stream time? (default: false) Note: this does not change the time stamp in the rawdata-string!


The output of the protocol handler provides the following attributes as a key-value object:

TIMESTAMPLongThe time of measurement in UTC (Time provided by scanner unless "ignoretimestamp" is set
VERSIONStringThe version of the laser scanner
DEVICEStringThe device ID
SERIALStringThe factory serial number
STATUSIntegerThe status of the scanner
MESSAGECOUNTIntegerThe message counter starting at the first measured value message. When the upper limit is reached, the counter starts again at 0.
SCANCOUNTIntegerThe scan counter starting with the first scan after confirmation of the measured value message. When the upper limit is reached, the counter starts again at 0.
POWERUPDURATIONLongThe time since the scanner was switched on.
TRANSMISSIONDURATIONLongThe time since the transfer of the measured values
INPUTSTATUSBooleanThe state of the digital inputs
OUTPUTSTATUSBooleanThe state of the digital outputs
SCANNINGFREQUENCYLongThe scanning frequency
MEASUREMENTFREQUENCYLongThe frequency between two separate measurements
POSITIONMatrixThe position
POSITIONROTATIONTYPEIntegerThe position rotation type


The measured distance values (8bit)
REMISSION8BITVectorThe measured remission (8bit)


The measured distance values (8bit)
REMISSION8BIT2VectorThe measured remission (8bit)
DISTANCE16BITMatrixThe measured distance values (16bit)
REMISSION16BITVectorThe measured remission (16bit)
DISTANCE16BIT2MatrixThe measured distance values (16bit)
REMISSION16BIT2VectorThe measured remission (16bit)
RAWDATAStringThe rawdata original raw data sent by the scanner (controlled enabled by the "rawdata" option)


To access the different attribute values the KeyValueToTuple operator can be used to transform the required attributes into a relational tuple.
