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ATTENTION: There could be cases, where Odysseus starts with an error like "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: no such operator: SHUFFLEFRAGMENT." (especially in the first starts) or "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 104 out of bounds for length 104". We are working on this problem. Please try to restart!

This is a short tutorial that shows how to install Odysseus and how to setup the first time. This tutorial is for persons who just want to use Odysseus for data stream management. For those, who want to develop with Odysseus (e.g. create new operators or extend functionalities), may have a look at Development with Odysseus, which introduces how to import Odysseus into Eclipse.

There are some differences, when using Odysseus on MacOS. See below

For problems with Dark mode see below.

1. Prerequisite

First, Java11 Java 17 must be installedMac OS User see here

2. Download Odysseus

Go to Odysseus Website to the Download section. Choose your operating system. Download the archive. (Remark: 32 bit versions are not longer available.) 

3. Unzip

Next, you have to unzip the archive. There is no installer nor a dedicated installation directory. Thus, you can choose a destination of your choice (In some cases, Odysseus does not behave correctly, if the installation path is to long. In this case try to install Odysseus to another location).


change Xms and Xmx to the needed values. Default is 1000M.

Remark: On MacOS you cannot start the Odysseus You will need to open the app (Show package content) and in the Contents section, move to folder MacOS and open studio. The app is not signed, so you need to relax your security configuration when downloading with Safari. When using Chrome for download, there seems to be no restriction. 
If this does not work: You should go to the content folder via termial and change to folder MacOS. If studio has not execution rights you can use: chmod +x studio and run ./studio afterwards. Now Odysseus Studio should start.

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5. Choose Workspace

At the first start, you have to choose a workspace. This workspace is a directory where all Odysseus projects will be stored.You can also check the "Use this as the default.." option so that this dialog will not pop up at the next start of Odysseus.


If you are using the client version of studio, the WebService tab must contain information about the Odysseus Server:

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After that, Odysseus Studio starts, so you should the the interface:

That's all.

Dark Mode

The default dark mode is not very good suited for Odysseus. We provide special themes (OdysseusDark and OdysseusLight) for this. Just open Window/Preferences and navigate to Appearance:

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7. Next steps

You now can use Odysseus. Now, you can, for example, make yourself familiar with Odysseus Studio or you may create or import projects. For further steps, you may have a look at these pages:

A. Hints if installation/start fails

  • Java 8 has to be used. Although Java 8 was installed, it may happen that a different version is used. Therefore, check if Java 8 is used. Check also, if JAVA_HOME is set correctly.
    • On windows, you can check the version by open the command line to tool (go on "start", and "run" and enter "cmd", then press OK. In the command line enter "java -version" and hit enter. You should see some lines beginning with "java version "1.8.XXXX". if command is not found or another version is shown, check your Java installation.
    • On MacOS, you may look at "B. Mac OS" in the next section.

  • Be sure you downloaded the x86_64 version if you have a 64 bit operating system or the x86 version if you have a 32 bit operating system.


Warning: Odysseus Studio currently does not run properly (or at all) on MacOS. Nevertheless, you can run the pure server product on MacOS.

To run Odysseus from the pre-compiled packages available to download you have to do the following steps.

  1. Download and install Java 8 from Oracle (/usr/libexec/java_home -t BundledApp shut output a Java 8 version). You could, for example, use homebrew:
  2. Download Odysseus from our homepage
  3. Open the terminal (e.g. with spotlight)
  4. Direct to the odysseus-folder, navigate to  ../Contents/Eclipse/
  5. Run the following command:
Code Block
titleRun Odysseus under MacOS
java -XstartOnFirstThread -Xmx500M -Xms500M -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar --launcher.library org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356 -console -nl en -debug -data @noDefault -showsplash -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts -clean

C. Installation under Linux

Odysseus should be installed for a single user. The user that starts the server process must have all rights to the installtion directory, else no new features can be installed and no features can be updated.

To run Odysseus you need a Java runtime environment in version 8.

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sudo aptitude install default-jre

Download and unzip the Odysseus package to your local bin folder

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mkdir –p ~/bin
wget –c -O ~/bin/
unzip –d ~/bin


Code Block
export PATH=~/bin/odysseus:$PATH

D. Running Odysseus Server on Raspberry Pi, Beagleboard Black Rev C

The Odysseus server component works on a Raspberry Pi. Simple install a recent raspian first. 

You should use a distinct user for odysseus.

After that, you should update/upgrade the system and install JavaJRE:

Code Block
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

Tip: With the console-command raspi-config you can configure your RaspberryPi/BananiPi further (e.g. keyboard layout)

The following script will download and install Odysseus as a server-component

Code Block

Alternatively, if multiple Odysseus-Instances should be connected (Peer-to-Peer-Network of RaspberryPi), you should download the Peer-Version of Odysseus:

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The following script will execute Odysseus (Server-Version) with respect to restarts due to possible future updates (downloadable: )

Code Block
chmod +x startOdysseusServer
Code Block
cd odysseus.server.gtk.linux.x86
while true; do
	java -Xmx500M -Xms500M -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar -console -debug -data @noDefault
	if [ "$?" != "23" ]; then

Attention: If you downloaded and installed the Peer-Version of Odysseus, you have to replace "server" with "peer" in the 3rd line (or download it from
Attention: The script-file must be made executable with chmod +x startOdysseus

Code Block
chmod +x startOdysseus

For the standard Beagle board "unzip" and "java" must be installed:

Code Block
apt-get update
apt-get install unzip
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
// If multiple java versions are installed: choose the jdk to use. Must be at least java 7
update-alternatives --config java 

Start same as above the raspberry.

Further devices tested:

For a "quick and dirty" way to start Odysseus automatically on startup, you have to edit the file /etc/inittab according to these instructions:

At the following to the end of the file .bashrc of the user (e.g., /home/pi/.bashrc)

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titlefor server
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titleFor peer

Remark: For BeagleBone, autologin has to be activated like here described



Create a file odysseus in folder /etc/init.d/, give execute rights and replace DAEMON_PATH with your installation directoy, replace DAEMON with startOdysseusServer (startOdysseus in Peer)

/etc/init.d/odysseus start

/etc/init.d/odysseus stop
