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  • If you want to use combination of existing types (e.g. the new type and TimeInterval) you could define a combined metadata or let Odysseus do the work for you. In this case you will need to run Odysseus with the JDK and not JRE (i.e. tools.jar must be available).
  • Because there is a one to one mapping between a metadata interface and a metadata type, all metadata types must be final.

Creating a new base metadata type


Creating a combined metadata type

In our example we will use the trust metadata ( This is just a double value.

To create new base metadata type you first need to create an interface to set and retrieve the values that should be contained in this metadata. This interface must extend IMetaAttribute.

Code Block
public interface ITrust extends IMetaAttribute {
	void setTrust(double trustValue);
	double getTrust();


This interface must be implemented by the content holding class:

Code Block
public final class Trust extends AbstractBaseMetaAttribute implements ITrust {

	private static final String TRUSTVALUE = "trustvalue";
	private static final String NAME = "Trust";

	public final static Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] classes = new Class[] { ITrust.class };

	public static final List<SDFMetaSchema> schema = new ArrayList<>(classes.length);

	static {
		List<SDFAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
		attributes.add(new SDFAttribute(NAME, TRUSTVALUE, SDFDatatype.DOUBLE));
		schema.add(SDFSchemaFactory.createNewMetaSchema(NAME, Tuple.class, attributes, ITrust.class));

	public List<SDFMetaSchema> getSchema() {
		return schema;

	public Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] getClasses() {
		return classes;

	private static final long serialVersionUID = -426212407481918604L;
	private double trustValue;

	public Trust() {
		this.trustValue = 1;

	public Trust(Trust trust) {
		this.trustValue = trust.trustValue;

	public String getName() {
		return NAME;

	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (this == obj) {
			return true;
		} else if (!(obj instanceof Trust)) {
			return false;
		return this.trustValue == ((Trust) obj).trustValue;

	public void retrieveValues(List<Tuple<?>> values) {
		Tuple t = new Tuple(1, false);
		t.setAttribute(0, Double.valueOf(this.trustValue));

	public void writeValue(Tuple<?> value) {
		this.trustValue = ((Double) (value.getAttribute(0))).doubleValue();

	public <K> K getValue(int subtype, int index) {
		switch (index) {
		case 0:
			return (K) Double.valueOf(this.trustValue);
			return null;

	public void setTrust(double value) {
		this.trustValue = value;

	public double getTrust() {
		return this.trustValue;

	protected IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<? extends IMetaAttribute> getInlineMergeFunction() {
		return new TrustMergeFunction();

	public ITrust clone() {
		return new Trust(this);

	public String toString() {
		return "" + this.trustValue;


There are quite a lot of methods that need to be implemented. This is necessary to allow combination of metadata types.

Code Block
	public final static Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] classes = new Class[] { ITrust.class };

	public static final List<SDFMetaSchema> schema = new ArrayList<>(classes.length);

	static {
		List<SDFAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
		attributes.add(new SDFAttribute(NAME, TRUSTVALUE, SDFDatatype.DOUBLE));
		schema.add(SDFSchemaFactory.createNewMetaSchema(NAME, Tuple.class, attributes, ITrust.class));

	public List<SDFMetaSchema> getSchema() {
		return schema;

	public Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] getClasses() {
		return classes;

First of all, this class must define, which metatype it provides (here ITrust.class, line 2) and provide a schema for the metadata. This is the same as for operators where an output schema need to be defined with one difference: The created schema must be a Metaschema (line 9).

Then a default constructor and a copy constructor must be defined, and a method that returns the name of the metadata:

Code Block
	private double trustValue;

	public Trust() {
		this.trustValue = 1;

	public Trust(Trust trust) {
		this.trustValue = trust.trustValue;

	public String getName() {
		return NAME;

The next part contains methods to set and get the values:

Code Block
	public void setTrust(double value) {
		this.trustValue = value;

	public double getTrust() {
		return this.trustValue;

The following methods must be used to handle cases with tuples. This methods are important to allow sending metadata via network or writing to a file.

retrieveValues requires, that the metadata is returned inside a tuple. So if there are multiple values (e.g. with latency) use different positions inside the tuple. Important use for reading and writing the same positions! 

writeValue ist used to set the value of the metadata object from a tuple object (same position 0 as in retrieve). 

getValue is used to get a single value from the metadata, index is the same as the position inside the tuple (see Latency for a complexer example). subtype is not used in base metadata. This is only used in combined metadata.

Code Block
	public void retrieveValues(List<Tuple<?>> values) {
		Tuple t = new Tuple(1, false);
		t.setAttribute(0, Double.valueOf(this.trustValue));

	public void writeValue(Tuple<?> value) {
		this.trustValue = ((Double) (value.getAttribute(0))).doubleValue();

	public <K> K getValue(int subtype, int index) {
		switch (index) {
		case 0:
			return (K) Double.valueOf(this.trustValue);
			return null;

Metadata must be combined, e.g. in a join or in an aggregation. The method getInlineMergeFunction returns a function that can do the merge.

Code Block
	protected IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<? extends IMetaAttribute> getInlineMergeFunction() {
		return new TrustMergeFunction();

This merge function must be provided as follows:

Code Block
public class TrustMergeFunction implements IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<ITrust> {

	public void mergeInto(ITrust result, ITrust inLeft, ITrust inRight) {
		result.setTrust(Math.min(inLeft.getTrust(), inRight.getTrust()));

	public IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<? super ITrust> clone() {
		return this;

	public Class<? extends IMetaAttribute> getMetadataType() {
		return ITrust.class;


There must be implemented three methods:

getMetadataType() must deliver the metadata type for which this function will be used. (line 

clone() must return an instance of this function. If the function has a state, it is important to create a new function. Typically, this is not the case, so just return this.

mergeInto is the function that is called by the framework to merge two metadata values. The result must be written to the inout parameter result (this is necessary for easy handling of combined metadata). In this case, the new trust value is the mininum of both values.

Finally, this metadata must be registered. This is done with an OSGi component:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="">
   <implementation class=""/>
      <provide interface=""/>

and registered inside the MANIFEST.MF (line 11)

Code Block
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Trust Metadata
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Service-Component: OSGI-INF/Trust.xml
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Import-Package: org.slf4j

Finally, there should be operators that could set the values.

For examples see:

Creating a combined metadata type

Different metadata types can be used together. For this, in the best case, a single class should be provided, that combines this data. Typically, this class just delegates to the base classes. In the following is an example with trust and timeinterval:

Code Block
public class IntervalTrust extends AbstractCombinedMetaAttribute implements ITimeInterval, ITrust {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1599620389994530920L;

	public final static Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] classes = new Class[] { ITimeInterval.class, ITrust.class };

	public Class<? extends IMetaAttribute>[] getClasses() {
		return classes;

	public static final List<SDFMetaSchema> schema = new ArrayList<>(classes.length);

	static {

	public List<SDFMetaSchema> getSchema() {
		return schema;

	public String getName() {
		return "IntervalTrust";

The new class must extend AbstractCombinedMetaAttribute and implements the base interfaces for this combination.

The classes for this metadata is the same set of interfaces, and should be in lexical order.

The schema is simply a list containing the subschema of the containing metadata.

Code Block
	private final ITrust trust;
	private final ITimeInterval timeInterval;

	public IntervalTrust() { = new Trust();
		this.timeInterval = new TimeInterval();

	public IntervalTrust(IntervalTrust other) { = (ITrust);
		this.timeInterval = (ITimeInterval) other.timeInterval.clone();

	public IntervalTrust clone() {
		return new IntervalTrust(this);

	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (this == obj) {
			return true;
		} else if (!(obj instanceof IntervalTrust)) {
			return false;
		IntervalTrust other = (IntervalTrust) obj;
		return && this.timeInterval.equals(other.timeInterval);

Also similiar to the basetypes, there must be a default constructor, a copy constructor a clone-method and an equals method.

Code Block
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Methods that need to merge different types
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public void retrieveValues(List<Tuple<?>> values) {

	public void writeValues(List<Tuple<?>> values) {

	public List<IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<? extends IMetaAttribute>> getInlineMergeFunctions() {
		List<IInlineMetadataMergeFunction<? extends IMetaAttribute>> list = new ArrayList<>();
		return list;

	public <K> K getValue(int subtype, int index) {
		switch (subtype) {
		case 0:
			return this.timeInterval.getValue(0, index);
		case 1:
			return, index);
			return null;

	public String toString() {
		return "( i= " + this.timeInterval.toString() + " | " + " l=" + + ")";

The next block contains methods to retrieve and set the combined values and merge functions. As you can see, here is always delegated to the base metadata. Important here is to keep the right order!

In getValue, the subtype, says from which metadata the value should be retrieved.

The last block just contains the getter and setter for the metadata and is always delegated to the base types:

Code Block
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Delegates for timeInterval
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public PointInTime getStart() {
		return this.timeInterval.getStart();

	public PointInTime getEnd() {
		return this.timeInterval.getEnd();

	public void setStart(PointInTime point) {

	public void setEnd(PointInTime point) {

	public void setStartAndEnd(PointInTime start, PointInTime end) {
		this.timeInterval.setStartAndEnd(start, end);

	public int compareTo(ITimeInterval o) {
		return this.timeInterval.compareTo(o);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Delegates for trust
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public double getTrust() {

	public void setTrust(double trustValue) {;

When Odysseus at Runtime does not find such a combined metadata it will create a new one and compile it. This is slower and does not always work. So it is better to create a combination.

You could use: GenerateMetadataClassCode ( as a generator for the combined metadata. 

Remark: Typically, it is best to put each combination of metadata to an own bundle to avoid to many dependencies.

Finally, this class need to be registered as metadata, too:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="">
   <implementation class=""/>
      <provide interface=""/>
