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This dashboard part allows to create a visual plan containing different graphic primitives and images that can be manipulated with an input query.

Image Added


You can set a background image that will be displayed in the dashboard.


You can now place:

  • Image
  • Multiple Image
  • Other graphic primitives (Rectangle, Square, Circle, Ellipse, Triangle, Rhomb, Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon)

on the build area. You can select an element and click into the area. Afterwards a new windows opens and allows to configure the part.


This part is quite similar to the image field. The difference here is, that multiple images can be displayed and shown, depending on an MEP predicate. The image predicates are evaluated from top to bottom and the first image predicate that is true, will lead to the display of the assigned image. Use the X buttom to remove an image predicate.

Other graphic primitives

Image Added

Similar to the Multiple Images element these primitives can configured to show different colors for different predicates. The other options (beside witdh and rotate) are the same.