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Comment: Apama (Software AG)
Aurora & Medusa[BBC+04] [CCC+02] [Cet03]Vorgänger von Borealis


[AAB+05] [ABC+05]Nachfolger von Aurora & Medusa
CAPE[RDS+04]Vorgänger von D-CAPE
CEDR[BCM06]Vorgänger von StreamInsight
Apama (Software AG)

Cisco Prime Nachfolger von Truvisu





Cougar[BGS01] [YG03] 
D-CAPE[SLJR05]Nachfolger von CAPE
D-Streams[ZDL+12]Nachfolger von Spark Streaming
Gigascope[CJSS03b] [CJSS03a] 
Global Sensor Networks[AHS06a] [AHS06b] 
InfoSphere Streams[BBF+10]
MavStream[JC04] [jia05] [JC06] [JAC07] 
NiagaraCQ[CDTW00] [NDM+01] 
Oracle Event Processing
Pipes[CHK+03] [KS04] 
SGuard Nachfolger von Borealis
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden
Spark Streaming[ZDL+12]Vorgänger von D-Streams
Stormy[LHKK12] [Mer10] 
Stratosphere[LAS+13] [LWK14] 
STREAM[ABB+03] [ABB+04] 
Stream As You Go[KBRT12] 
StreamBase Vorgänger von TIBCO StreamBase, baut auf Aurora auf
StreamCloud[GJPPMV10] [GJPPM+12] 
StreamGlobe[KSKR05] [SKK04] [SK04] 
StreamInsight[ACGS11]Nachfolger von CEDR
Stream Mill[TMZ08] 
StreaMIT[GTK+02] [GTA06] [GAA10] 
System S[Gei13] [GAW+08](InfoSphere Streams?)
Tapestry[TGNO92] [Gei13] 
TelegraphCQ[CCD+03] [KCC+03]Vorgänger von Truvisu
TIBCO BusinessEvents
TIBCO StreamBase 

Nachfolger von StreamBase

TimeStream[QHS+13]Baut auf StreamInsight auf
TinyDB[MFHH02] [MFHH03] 
Truvisu Nachfolger von TelegraphCQ
Vorgänger von Cisco Prime
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden 





[AAB+05] Abadi, Daniel J. ; Ahmad, Yanif ; Balazinska, Magdalena ; C etintemel, Ugur ; Cherniack,
Mitch ; Hwang, Jeong-Hyon ; Lindner, Wolfgang ; Maskey, Anurag ; Rasin, Alex ; Ryvkina,
Esther ; Tatbul, Nesime ; Xing, Ying ; Zdonik, Stanley B.: The Design of the Borealis Stream
Processing Engine. In: CIDR, 2005, S. 277 - 289


Aurora & Medusa[BBC+04] [CCC+02] [Zdo03]Vorgänger von Borealis
BEA WLES[WAR08]WebLogic Event Server 
Bell Labs Sunrise[BBKS98a] [BBKS98b]Vorgänger von Lucent QTM


[AAB+05a] [ABC+05]Nachfolger von Aurora & Medusa
CAPE[RDS+04]Vorgänger von D-CAPE
Cayuga[DGP+07]Vorgänger von Johka
CEDR[BCM06]Vorgänger von StreamInsight
Cisco Prime Nachfolger von Truviso 
Cloud CEP Nichts zu gefunden
Cougar[BGS01] [Yao03] 
D-CAPE[SLJR05]Nachfolger von CAPE, Vorgänger von RLD
Elastic Operator[SAG+09]Baut auf SPADE auf
Elastic StreamCloud[GJPPM+12]Nachfolger von StreamCloud
Elastic System S Baut auf Spade auf (laut Heinze2014)
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden 
Flexstream[HCK+09]Nachfolger von StreaMIT
Keine bessere Quelle gefunden

Fujitsu Big Data CEP Server
Gigascope[CJSS03b] [CJSS03a] 
Global Sensor Networks[AHS06a] [AHS06b] 
Heron[KBF+15]Nachfolger von Storm

Hitachi uCosminexus Stream Data Platform
Hybmig[YKPS07]Nachfolger von Pipes, Vorgänger von RTM Analyzer
IBM InfoSphere Streams[BBF+10]Vorgänger von SPADE

Intelligence Analytic Server

 Nichts darüber gefunden
Johka[BGHJ09]Nachfolger von Cayuga
Kaskad Korrelera 

scheint nicht mehr zu existieren 

LAAR Baut auf InfoSphere Streams auf (laut Heinze2014)
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden 
Lucent QTM[BBKS98b]Nachfolger von Bell Labs Sunrise
MavStream[JC04] [jia07] [JC06] [JAC07] 
Mircosoft StreamInsight[ACGS11]Nachfolger von CEDR
Nephele Streaming[LWK14] 
NiagaraCQ[CDTW00] [NDM+01] 
Nile[HMA+04]Vorgänger von Nile-PDT
Nile-PDT[AAB+05b]Nachfolger von Nile
Oracle CEP Nachfolger von Oracle CQL
Oracle CQL Vorgänger von Oracle CEP 
Pipes[CHK+03] [KS04] [KS05] [Krä07]Vorgänger von Hybmig

Basiert auf Jetstream, welches intern Esper nutzt

RLD Nachfolger von DCAPE (laut Heinze2014)
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden 
RTM Analyzer Nachfolger von Hybmig, Vorgänger von webMethods Business Events
S-Store[MTZ+15]Baut auf in-memory DBMS H-Store auf
S4[NRNK10]Zunächst Yahoo! S4, dann Apache S4

Apache Samza is a distributed stream processing framework. It uses Apache Kafka for messaging, and Apache Hadoop YARN to provide fault tolerance, processor isolation, security, and resource management.


SAS Event Stream Processing
SGuard Nachfolger von Borealis (laut Heinze2014)
Weder Artikel noch Website gefunden
SoftwareAG WebMethods BE Nachfolger von RTM Analyzer

SPADE[GAW+08]Nachfolger von System S, Vorgänger von InfoSphere Streams 
Spark Streaming[ZDL+12] [ZDL+13]Vorgänger von D-Streams
Storm[TTS+14]Vorgänger von Heron
Stormy[LHKK12] [Mer10] 
STREAM[ABB+03] [ABB+04] 
Stream As You Go[KBRT12] 
StreamBase[EMR+10]Vorgänger von TIBCO StreamBase, baut auf Aurora auf
StreamCloud[GJPPMV10]Vorgänger von Elastic StreamCloud

StreamGlobe[KSKR05] [SKK04] [SK04] 
Stream MapReduce[BMK+11]Vorgänger von StreamMine3G
Stream Mill[TMZ08] 
StreamMine3G[MBF14]Nachfolger von Stream MapReduce
StreaMIT[GTK+02] [GTA06] [Gor10]Vorgänger von Flexstream


Sybase CEP Aus Coral8 und Aleri entstanden
System S[Gei13] [GAW+08]Vorgänger von SPADE
Tapestry[TGNO92] [Gei13] 
TelegraphCQ[CCD+03] [KCC+03]Vorgänger von Truviso
TIBCO BusinessEvents
TIBCO StreamBase 

Nachfolger von StreamBase

TimeStream[QHS+13]Baut auf StreamInsight auf
TinyDB[MFHH02] [MFHH03] 
Truviso[KFD+10]Nachfolger von TelegraphCQ
Vorgänger von Cisco Prime
WSO2 CEP Server




[AAB+05a] Abadi, Daniel J. ; Ahmad, Yanif ; Balazinska, Magdalena ;
Cetintemel, Ugur ; Cherniack, Mitch ; Hwang, Jeong-Hyon
; Lindner, Wolfgang ; Maskey, Anurag ; Rasin, Alex ; Ryvkina,
Esther u. a.: The Design of the Borealis Stream Processing
Engine. In: CIDR Bd. 5, 2005, S. 277 - 289


[AAB+05b] Ali, Mohamed H. ; Aref, Walid G. ; Bose, Raja ; Elmagarmid, Ahmed K. ; Helal, Abdelsalam
; Kamel, Ibrahim ; Mokbel, Mohamed F.: NILE-PDT: A phenomenon detection and
tracking framework for data stream management systems. In: Proceedings of the 31st internatio-
nal conference on Very large data bases, 2005, S. 1295 - 1298

[ABB+03] Arasu, Arvind ; Babcock, Brian ; Babu, Shivnath ; Datar, Mayur ; Ito, Keith ; Nishizawa,
Itaru ; Rosenstein, Justin ; Widom, Jennifer: STREAM: the stanford stream data manager
(demonstration description). In: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference
on Management of data ACM, 2003, S. 665 - 665

[ABB+04] Arasu, Arvind ; Babcock, Brian ; Babu, Shivnath ; Cieslewicz, John ; Datar, Mayur ; Ito,
Keith ; Motwani, Rajeev ; Srivastava, Utkarsh ; Widom, Jennifer: Stream: The stanford data
stream management system. In: Book chapter (2004)


[ABB+13] Akidau, Tyler ; Balikov, Alex ; Bekiroglu, Kaya ; Chernyak, Slava ; Haberman, Josh ;
Lax, Reuven ; McVeety, Sam ; Mills, Daniel ; Nordstrom, Paul ; Whittle, Sam: MillWheel:
fault-tolerant stream processing at internet scale. In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
(2013), S. 1033 - 1044

[ABC+05] Ahmad, Yanif ; Berg, Bradley ; Cetintemel, Ugur ; Humphrey, Mark ; Hwang, Jeong-Hyon
; Jhingran, Anjali ; Maskey, Anurag ; Papaemmanouil, Olga ; Rasin, Alexander ; Tatbul,
Nesime u. a.: Distributed operation in the borealis stream processing engine. In: Proceedings of the
2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data ACM, 2005, S. 882 - 884


[ACGS11] Ali, Mohamed ; Chandramouli, Badrish ; Goldstein, Jonathan ; Schindlauer, Roman: The
extensibility framework in Microsoft StreamInsight. In: Data Engineering (ICDE), 2011 IEEE
27th International Conference on IEEE, 2011, S. 1242 - 1253

[AHS06a] Aberer, Karl ; Hauswirth, Manfred ; Salehi, Ali: The Global Sensor Networks middleware
for ecient and exible deployment and interconnection of sensor networks. 2006. - Forschungsbericht

[AHS06b] Aberer, Karl ; Hauswirth, Manfred ; Salehi, Ali: A middleware for fast and exible sensor
network deployment. In: Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data
bases VLDB Endowment, 2006, S. 1199 - 1202

[BBC+04] Balakrishnan, Hari ; Balazinska, Magdalena ; Carney, Don ; C etintemel, Ugur ; Cherniack,
Mitch ; Convey, Christian ; Galvez, Eddie ; Salz, Jon ; Stonebraker, Michael ;
Tatbul, Nesime u. a.: Retrospective on aurora. In: The VLDB Journal 13 (2004), Nr. 4, S.
370 - 383

[BBF+10] Biem, Alain ; Bouillet, Eric ; Feng, Hanhua ; Ranganathan, Anand ; Riabov, Anton ;
Verscheure, Olivier ; Koutsopoulos, Haris ; Moran, Carlos: Ibm infosphere streams for
scalable, real-time, intelligent transportation services. In: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD
International Conference on Management of data ACM, 2010, S. 1093 - 1104


[BBKS98a] Baulier, Gerald D. ; Blott, Stephen M. ; Korth, Henry F. ;
Silberschatz, Avi: Sunrise: A real-time event-processing sys-
tem. In: Bell Labs technical journal 3 (1998), Nr. 1, S. 3–18


[BBKS98b] Baulier, Jerry ; Blott, Stephen ; Korth, Henry F. ; Sil-
berschatz, Abraham: A database system for real-time event
aggregation in telecommunication. In: VLDB, 1998, S. 680–684


[BCM06] Barga, Roger S. ; Caituiro-Monge, Hillary: Event correlation and pattern detection in CEDR.
In: Current Trends in Database Technology EDBT 2006. 2006, S. 919 - 930


[BGHJ09] Brenna, Lars ; Gehrke, Johannes ; Hong, Mingsheng ; Johansen, Dag: Distributed event
stream processing with non-deterministic nite automata. In: Proceedings of the Third ACM
International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2009, S. 3


[BMK+11] Brito, Andrey ; Martin, Andre ; Knauth, Thomas ; Creutz, Stephan ; Becker, Diogo ;
Weigert, Stefan ; Fetzer, Christof: Scalable and low-latency data processing with stream
mapreduce. In: Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2011 IEEE Third Inter-
national Conference on, 2011, S. 48 - 58

[BGS01] Bonnet, Philippe ; Gehrke, Johannes ; Seshadri, Praveen: Towards sensor database systems.
In: Mobile Data Management Springer, 2001, S. 3 - 14

[BSS05] Brettlecker, Gert ; Schuldt, Heiko ; Schek, Hans-Jorg: Towards Reliable Data Stream
Processing with OSIRIS-SE. In: BTW Citeseer, 2005, S. 405 - 414


[CCC+02] Carney, Don ; C etintemel, Uur ; Cherniack, Mitch ; Convey,
Christian ; Lee, Sangdon ; Seidman, Greg ; Stonebraker,
Michael ; Tatbul, Nesime ; Zdonik, Stan: Monitoring 
streams: a new class of data management applications. In: Pro-
ceedings of the 28th international conference on Very Large Data
Bases VLDB Endowment, 2002, S. 215 - 226

[CCD+03] Chandrasekaran, Sirish ; Cooper, Owen ; Deshpande, Amol ; Franklin, Michael J. ; Hellerstein,
Joseph M. ; Hong, Wei ; Krishnamurthy, Sailesh ; Madden, Samuel R. ; Reiss,
Fred ; Shah, Mehul A.: TelegraphCQ: continuous data ow processing. In: Proceedings of the
2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data ACM, 2003, S. 668 - 668

[CDTW00] Chen, Jianjun ; DeWitt, David J. ; Tian, Feng ; Wang, Yuan: NiagaraCQ: A scalable continuous
query system for internet databases. In: ACM SIGMOD Record Bd. 29 ACM, 2000, S.
379 - 390

[CHK+03] Cammert, Michael ; Heinz, Christoph ; Kramer, Jurgen ; Markowetz, Alexander ; Seeger,
Bernhard: Pipes: A multi-threaded publish-subscribe architecture for continuous queries over
streaming data sources. In: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of
Marburg (2003)

[CJSS03a] Cranor, Charles D. ; Johnson, Theodore ; Spatscheck, Oliver ; Shkapenyuk, Vladislav: The
gigascope stream database. In: IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 26 (2003), Nr. 1, S. 27 - 32

[CJSS03b] Cranor, Chuck ; Johnson, Theodore ; Spataschek, Oliver ; Shkapenyuk, Vladislav: Gigascope:
a stream database for network applications. In: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD
international conference [ABB+03] Arasu, Arvind ; Babcock, Brian ; Babu, Shivnath ; Datar, Mayur ; Ito, Keith ; Nishizawa,
Itaru ; Rosenstein, Justin ; Widom, Jennifer: STREAM: the stanford stream data manager
(demonstration description). In: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference
on Management of data ACM, 2003, S. 665 647 - 665651

[ABB+04DFT11] ArasuDindar, Arvind ; Babcock, Brian ; Babu, Shivnath ; Cieslewicz, John ; Datar, Mayur ; Ito,
Keith ; Motwani, Rajeev ; Srivastava, Utkarsh ; Widom, Jennifer: Stream: The stanford data
stream management system. In: Book chapter (2004)[ABC+05] Ahmad, Yanif ; Berg, Bradley ; Cetintemel, Ugur ; Humphrey, Mark ; Hwang, Jeong-Hyon
; Jhingran, Anjali ; Maskey, Anurag ; Papaemmanouil, Olga ; Rasin, Alexander ; Tatbul,
Nesime u. a.: Distributed operation in the borealis stream processing engine. In: Proceedings of the
2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data ACM, 2005, S. 882 - 884


[ACGS11] Ali, Mohamed ; Chandramouli, Badrish ; Goldstein, Jonathan ; Schindlauer, Roman: The
extensibility framework in Microsoft StreamInsight. In: Data Engineering (ICDE), 2011 IEEE
27th International Conference on IEEE, 2011, S. 1242 - 1253



[BCM06] Barga, Roger S. ; Caituiro-Monge, Hillary: Event correlation and pattern detection in CEDR.
In: Current Trends in Database Technology{EDBT 2006. 2006, S. 919 - 930


Nihal ; Fischer, Peter M. ; Tatbul, Nesime: DejaVu: a complex event processing
system for pattern matching over live and historical data streams. In: Proceedings of the 5th
ACM international conference on Distributed event-based system, 2011, S. 399-400 


[DGP+07] Demers, Alan J. ; Gehrke, Johannes ; Panda, Biswanath ; Riedewald, Mirek ; Sharma,
Varun ; White, Walker M. u. a.: Cayuga: A General Purpose Event Monitoring System. In:
CIDR, 2007, S. 412 - 422


[DSA07] Diao, Yanlei ; Stahlberg, Patrick ; Anderson, Gordon:
SASE: Complex Event Processing over Streams. In: 3rd Biennial
Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2007


[EMR+10] Etzion, Opher ; Magid, Yonit ; Rabinovich, Ella ; Skarbovsky,
Inna ; Zolotorevsky, Nir: Context aware computing
and its utilization in event-based systems. In: Proceedings of
the Fourth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-
Based Systems ACM, 2010, S. 270 - 281

[GAW+08] Gedik, Bugra ; Andrade, Henrique ; Wu, Kun-Lung ; Yu, Philip S. ; Doo, Myungcheol:
SPADE: the system s declarative stream processing engine. In: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM
SIGMOD international conference on Management of data ACM, 2008, S. 1123 - 1134

[Gei13] Geisler, Sandra: Data Stream Management Systems. In: Data Exchange, Information, and
Streams Citeseer, 2013, S. 275 - 304


[GJPPM+12] Gulisano, Vincenzo ; Jimenez-Peris, Ricardo ; Patino-Martinez, Marta ; Soriente, Claudio
; Valduriez, Patrick: StreamCloud: An Elastic and Scalable Data Streaming System. In: IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (2012), Nr. 12, S. 2351 - 2365. - ISSN 1045 - 

[GJPPMV10] Gulisano, V. ; Jimenez-Peris, R. ; Patino-Martinez, M. ; Valduriez, P.: StreamCloud: A
Large Scale Data Streaming System. In: Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2010 IEEE
30th International Conference on, 2010. - ISSN 1063-6927, S. 126 - 137


[Gor10] Gordon, Michael I.: Compiler techniques for scalable perfor-
mance of stream programs on multicore architectures. 2010

[GRL+08] Gurgen, Levent ; Roncancio, Claudia ; Labbe, Cyril ; Bottaro, Andre ; Olive, Vincent:
SStreaMWare: a service oriented middleware for heterogeneous sensor data management. In:
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services ACM, 2008, S. 121 - 130

[GSS10] Grelck, Clemens ; Scholz, Sven-Bodo ; Shafarenko, Alex: Asynchronous stream processing
with S-Net. In: International Journal of Parallel Programming 38 (2010), Nr. 1, S. 38 - 67

[GTA06] Gordon, Michael I. ; Thies, William ; Amarasinghe, Saman: Exploiting coarse-grained task,
data, and pipeline parallelism in stream programs. In: ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
Bd. 40 ACM, 2006, S. 151 - 162

[GTK+02] Gordon, Michael I. ; Thies, William ; Karczmarek, Michal ; Lin, Jasper ; Meli, Ali S. ;
Lamb, Andrew A. ; Leger, Chris ; Wong, Jeremy ; Hoffmann, Henry ; Maze, David u. a.: A
stream compiler for communication-exposed architectures. In: ACM SIGPLAN Notices Bd. 37
ACM, 2002, S. 291 - 303


[HCK+09] Hormati, Amir H. ; Choi, Yoonseo ; Kudlur, Manjunath ; Rabbah, Rodric ; Mudge, Trevor
; Mahlke, Scott: Flextream: Adaptive compilation of streaming applications for heterogeneous
architectures. In: Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, 2009. PACT'09. 18th In-
ternational Conference on, 2009, S. 214 - 223

[HMA+04] Hammad, Moustafa A. ; Mokbel, Mohamed F. ; Ali, Mohamed H. ; Aref, Walid G. ; Catlin,
Ann C. ; Elmagarmid, Ahmed K. ; Eltabakh, Mohamed ; Elfeky, Mohamed G. ; Ghanem,
Thanaa M. ; Gwadera, Robert u. a.: Nile: A query processing engine for data streams. In: Data
Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on IEEE, 2004, S. 851

[JAC07] Jiang, Qingchun ; Adaikkalavan, Raman ; Chakravarthy, Sharma: MavEStream: Synergistic
integration of stream and event processing. In: Digital Telecommunications, 2007. ICDT'07.
Second International Conference on IEEE, 2007, S. 29-29

[JC04] Jiang, Qingchun ; Chakravarthy, Sharma: Data stream management system for MavHome.
In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing ACM, 2004, S. 654-655

[JC06] Jiang, Qingchun ; Chakravarthy, Sharma: Anatomy of a Data Stream Management System.
In: ADBIS Research Communications, 2006


[Jia07] Jiang, Qingchun: A framework for supporting quality of service
requirements in a data stream management system. 2007


[KBF+15] Kulkarni, Sanjeev ; Bhagat, Nikunj ; Fu, Masong ; Kedigehalli,
Vikas ; Kellogg, Christopher ; Mittal, Sailesh ; Patel,
Jignesh M. ; Ramasamy, Karthik ; Taneja, Siddarth: Twitter
Heron: Stream Processing at Scale. In: Proceedings of the
2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management
of Data ACM, 2015, S. 239 - 250

[KBRT12] Kienzler, Romeo ; Bruggmann, Remy ; Ranganathan, Anand ; Tatbul, Nesime: Stream as
you go: The case for incremental data access and processing in the cloud. In: Data Engineering
Workshops (ICDEW), 2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on IEEE, 2012, S. 159-166

[KCC+03] Krishnamurthy, Sailesh ; Chandrasekaran, Sirish ; Cooper, Owen ; Deshpande, Amol
; Franklin, Michael J. ; Hellerstein, Joseph M. ; Hong, Wei ; Madden, Samuel ; Reiss,
Frederick ; Shah, Mehul A.: TelegraphCQ: An architectural status report. In: IEEE Data Eng.
Bull. 26 (2003), Nr. 1, S. 11-18


[KFD+ 10] Krishnamurthy, Sailesh ; Franklin, Michael J. ; Davis, Jef-
frey ; Farina, Daniel ; Golovko, Pasha ; Li, Alan ; Thombre,
Neil: Continuous analytics over discontinuous streams. In: Pro-
ceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
Management of data ACM, 2010, S. 1081–1092


[Kra07] Kramer, Jurgen: Continuous queries over data streams-
semantics and implementation, Universitatsbibliothek Marburg,
Diss., 2007

[KS04] Kramer, Jurgen ; Seeger, Bernhard: PIPES: a public infrastructure for processing and exploring
streams. In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management
of data ACM, 2004, S. 925-926


[KS05] Kramer, Jourgen ; Seeger, Bernhard: A Temporal Foundation
for Continuous Queries over Data Streams. Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science PhilippsUniversity, Marburg, Germany.
In: 11th International Conference on Management of Data
(COMAD 2005), 2005

[KSKR05] Kuntschke, Richard ; Stegmaier, Bernhard ; Kemper, Alfons ; Reiser, Angelika: Streamglobe:
Processing and sharing data streams in grid-based p2p infrastructures. In: Proceedings of the
31st international conference on Very large data bases VLDB Endowment, 2005, S. 1259-1262

[LAS+13] Leich, Marcus ; Adamek, Jochen ; Schubotz, Moritz ; Heise, Arvid ; Rheinlander, Astrid
; Markl, Volker: Applying Stratosphere for Big Data Analytics. In: BTW, 2013, S. 507-510

[LHKK12] Loesing, Simon ; Hentschel, Martin ; Kraska, Tim ; Kossmann, Donald: Stormy: an elastic
and highly available streaming service in the cloud. In: Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT
Workshops ACM, 2012, S. 55-60


[LPT99] Liu, Ling ; Pu, Calton ; Tang, Wei: Continual queries for internet scale event-driven information
delivery. In: Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 11 (1999), Nr. 4, S. 610-628

[LWK14] Lohrmann, Bjorn ;Warneke, Daniel ; Kao, Odej: Nephele streaming: stream processing under
QoS constraints at scale. In: Cluster computing 17 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 61-78


[MBF14] Martin, Andre ; Brito, Andrey ; Fetzer, Christof: Scalable and elastic realtime click stream
analysis using StreamMine3G. In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on
Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2014, S. 198 - 205


[MEB+10] Migliavacca, Matteo ; Eyers, David ; Bacon, Jean ; Papagiannis, Yiannis ; Shand, Brian
; Pietzuch, Peter: SEEP: scalable and elastic event processing. In: Middleware'10 Posters and
Demos Track, 2010, S. 4 

[Mer10] Merkli, Stephan: Streaming in the Cloud, Master thesis, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule,
2009-2010, Diss., 2010

[MFHH02] Madden, Samuel ; Franklin, Michael J. ; Hellerstein, Joseph M. ; Hong, Wei: TAG: A tiny
aggregation service for ad-hoc sensor networks. In: ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36
(2002), Nr. SI, S. 131-146

[MFHH03] Madden, Samuel ;


[DFT11] Dindar, Nihal ; Fischer, Peter M. ; Tatbul, Nesime: DejaVu: a complex event processing
system for pattern matching over live and historical data streams. In: Proceedings of the 5th
ACM international conference on Distributed event-based system, 2011, S. 399-400 



[GJPPM+12] Gulisano, Vincenzo ; Jimenez-Peris, Ricardo ; Patino-Martinez, Marta ; Soriente, Claudio
; Valduriez, Patrick: StreamCloud: An Elastic and Scalable Data Streaming System. In: IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (2012), Nr. 12, S. 2351 - 2365. - ISSN 1045 - 
[GJPPMV10] Gulisano, V. ; Jimenez-Peris, R. ; Patino-Martinez, M. ; Valduriez, P.: StreamCloud: A
Large Scale Data Streaming System. In: Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2010 IEEE
30th International Conference on, 2010. - ISSN 1063-6927, S. 126 - 137

[GRL+08] Gurgen, Levent ; Roncancio, Claudia ; Labbe, Cyril ; Bottaro, Andre ; Olive, Vincent:
SStreaMWare: a service oriented middleware for heterogeneous sensor data management. In:
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services ACM, 2008, S. 121 - 130[GSS10] Grelck, Clemens ; Scholz, Sven-Bodo ; Shafarenko, Alex: Asynchronous stream processing
with S-Net. In: International Journal of Parallel Programming 38 (2010), Nr. 1, S. 38 - 67[GTA06] Gordon, Michael I. ; Thies, William ; Amarasinghe, Saman: Exploiting coarse-grained task,
data, and pipeline parallelism in stream programs. In: ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
Bd. 40 ACM, 2006, S. 151 - 162[GTK+02] Gordon, Michael I. ; Thies, William ; Karczmarek, Michal ; Lin, Jasper ; Meli, Ali S. ;
Lamb, Andrew A. ; Leger, Chris ; Wong, Jeremy ; Hoffmann, Henry ; Maze, David u. a.: A
stream compiler for communication-exposed architectures. In: ACM SIGPLAN Notices Bd. 37
ACM, 2002, S. 291 - 303[HMA+04] Hammad, Moustafa A. ; Mokbel, Mohamed F. ; Ali, Mohamed H. ; Aref, Walid G. ; Catlin,
Ann C. ; Elmagarmid, Ahmed K. ; Eltabakh, Mohamed ; Elfeky, Mohamed G. ; Ghanem,
Thanaa M. ; Gwadera, Robert u. a.: Nile: A query processing engine for data streams. In: Data
Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on IEEE, 2004, S. 851[JAC07] Jiang, Qingchun ; Adaikkalavan, Raman ; Chakravarthy, Sharma: MavEStream: Synergistic
integration of stream and event processing. In: Digital Telecommunications, 2007. ICDT'07.
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