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To integrate new streams with PQL the ACCESS-Operator operator is needed. Because of compatibility issues, there are a lot of more deprecated parameters, which can be set. In the following we will only describe the preferred parameters. The deprecated parameters will be removed in a future version. The general structure of the framework is as follows:

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The following parameters can be used in the ACCESS-Operator:

  • Source: This is the system wide unique name of the source. If the source name is already used and further parameters are given, an error is thrown. An already created source can be reused by using this source parameter only.
  • Wrapper: This parameter allows the selection of the wrapper that is responsible for the integration of the sources. In Odysseus the default wrappers are GenericPush and GenericPull. Other extensions provide further names.
  • Schema: This parameter is needed as the output schema of the access operator and for the creation of some data handler (e.g. Tuple). For each Element there must be a base data handler available. The special types StartTimestamp(String) and EndTimestamp(String) are used to set the time meta data of the created element. Example:[['TIMESTAMP','StartTimeStamp'],['NAME','String'],['TEMP','Double'],['AccX','Double'],['AccY','Double'],


  • ['AccZ','Double'],['PosX','Double']]
  • InputSchema: If this parameter is used, different input data handlers are used to create the data. It is important that these handlers produce elements that are compatible with the elements that are created by the Schema. The output schema is not affected.
  • dateFormat: This parameter must be given, if the String-Version of the Timestamps are used. The format is the same as in Java SimpleDateFormat.
    Example: dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
