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The following parameters are to further describe the wrapper GenericPush and GenericPull.

GenericPull is needed, when the data needs to be extracted from the sources (e.g. from a file) and GenericPush is needed, when the data from the source is send actively. Pull requires scheduling (done automatically), push not.
Each parameter typically needs further configurations parameters (e.g. a file name for a file wrapper). These additional parameters are set in the options-Parameter, consisting of key-value pairs:
Options = [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2'], … , ['keyN', 'valueN']]

New: All GenericPull sources can have an option scheduler.delay. If this value is given the scheduler waits scheduler.delay milliseconds between two calls. It can be used if the source update rate is known (e.g. a new value is produced every 15 minutes), the source does not allow more than a limited access per timeslot or the delivery rate should be slowed down.


This parameter selects the input type of the Wrapper, see Transport Handler for current information.
