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The following parameters are to further describe the wrapper GenericPush and GenericPull. GenericPull is needed, when the data needs to be extracted from the sources (e.g. from a file) and GenericPush is needed, when the data from the source is send actively. Pull requires scheduling (done automatically), push not.
Each parameter typically needs further configurations parameters (e.g. a file name for a file wrapper). These additional parameters are set in the options-Parameter, consisting of key-value pairs:
Options = [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2'], … , ['keyN', 'valueN']]


see Transport Handler for current information.

This parameter selects the input type of the Wrapper. The following values are currently supported for the GenericPull-Wrapper:


      • User: The login
      • Password: The password


See Protocol Handler for current information.

The parameter determines how the input from the transport is processed. The main task for this component is the identification of objects in the input and the preparation for the data handler (see next parameter).
The following protocols are currently available in Odysseus.


  • SizeByteBuffer: This handler initially reads 4 byte and interpreting them as input size. The byte order is the java byte order (BIG_ENDIAN) or can be set with the parameter ByteOrder to "LITTLE_ENDIAN". After reading size bytes the Buffer is send to the data handler.
  • MarkerByteBuffer: This handler reads elements between a start and an end byte.
    • Start: The byte that marks the start token (token is not part of the object)
    • End: The byte that marks the end token (token is not part of the object)
    • ByteOrder: The Order of the Bytes (default BIG_EDIAN)


See Data Handler for current information.

Finally, this option defines the data handler that is responsible for the creation of the objects that will be processed inside Odysseus. The set of data handlers can be distinguished into handler for base types (like long, boolean or int) and constructors for complex types (like tuple or list). For the following set of base data types Odysseus provides data handler:
