Event Log Exporter Plug-ins
Name | CSV Event Log Exporter |
Assembly | PMCubeExlorer.EventLogExporter.Csv |
Description | Provides an export of event logs as CSV file. |
Conformance Checking Plug-ins
Name | Token replay |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ConformanceChecking.PetriNet |
Description | Implements Token Replay Conformance Checking on Petri Net process models. |
Name | Process map conformance checking |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ConformanceChecking.ProcessMap |
Description | Implements Token Replay Conformance Checking on Process Map process models. |
Name | Process tree conformance checking |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ConformanceChecking.ProcessTree |
Description | Implements Token Replay Conformance Checking on Process Tree process models. |
Consolidation Plug-ins
Name | Clustering Consolidation |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Consolidation.ClusteringConsolidation |
Description | These plug-ins provide the algorithms to calculate the Causal Behavioural Profile metric which specifies the semantic behaviour of a process model. |
Name | Filter consolidation |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Consolidation.FilterConsolidation |
Description | Provides a process model consolidation based on simple filtering. |
Causal Behavioural Profile Plug-ins
Name | Process Map Causal Behavioural Profile Metric Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Consolidation.ClusteringConsolidation.Metric.ProcessMap |
Description | Implementation of the Causal Behavioural Profile Metric for Process Map process models. |
Name | Process Tree Causal Behavioural Profile Metric Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Consolidation.ClusteringConsolidation.Metric.ProcessTree |
Description | Implementation of the Causal Behavioural Profile Metric for Process Tree process models. |
Database Plug-ins
Name | Microsoft SQL |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DatabaseNew.MicrosoftSql |
Description | Provides access to Microsoft SQL Server databases. |
Name | MySQL |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DatabaseNew.MySQL |
Description | Provides access to MySQL databases. |
Name | Oracle |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DatabaseNew.Oracle |
Description | Provides access to Oracle databases. |
Name | PostgreSQL |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DatabaseNew.PostgreSql |
Description | Provides access to PostgreSQL databases. |
Event Log Statistics Plug-ins
Name | Trace duration |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DataSelection.LogStatistics.Duration |
Description | Provides statistics on the duration of traces in an event log. |
Name | Event class distribution |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DataSelection.LogStatistics.EventClassDistribution |
Description | Provides statistics on the the distribution of event classes in an event log. |
Name | Trace length by frequency |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DataSelection.LogStatistics.TraceLengthByFrequency |
Description | Provides statistics on the length of traces in an event log by its frequency. |
Name | Traces by frequency |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.DataSelection.LogStatistics.TracesByFrequency |
Description | Provides statistics on the frequency of traces in an event log. |
Diff Plug-ins
Name | Better Snapshot |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Diff.BetterSnapshot |
Description | Provides an improved version of the snapshot diff algorithm. |
Name | Log diff comparison |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Diff.LogDiff |
Description | Plug-in provides the calculation of a difference model based on event log comparison. |
Name | Snapshot |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Diff.Snapshot |
Description | Provides the implementation of the snapshot algorithm to calculate the difference of two process models. |
Adapter Plug-ins
Name | XES ETL Adpater Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ETL.Adapter.XES |
Description | Adapter plug-in providing an import for event logs in XES file format. |
Adapter UI Plug-ins
Name | XES ETL Adapter UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ETL.Adapter.XES.UI |
Description | Provides user interface components for the XES adapter plug-in |
Integration Plug-ins
Name | Default Integration Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ETL.Integration.Default |
Description | Provides the integration functionalities for the default cube model of PMCube. |
Event Log Action Plug-ins
Name | Remove activity from simple event log filter plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.EventLogAction.Filter.RemoveActivity |
Description | Provides a filter operation that removes events with a particular activity from the event log. |
Name | Filter traces by frequency plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.EventLogAction.Filter.TraceFrequency |
Description | Provides a filter operation that removes traces from the event log which do not match a user-defined frequency. |
Name | Trace Has Activity Simple Event Log Filter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.EventLogAction.Filter.TraceHasActivity |
Description | Provides a filter operation which removes all traces from the event log that do not have at least one event with a particular activity. |
Name | Event Log Trace Length Filter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.EventLogAction.Filter.TraceLength |
Description | Provides a filter operation to remove traces that do not have a particual user-defined length. |
Meta-data Plug-ins
Name | Default Metadata Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.Default |
Description | Provides the meta-data model for the default cube model of PMCube. |
Name | Direct Access Metadata Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.DirectAccess |
Description | Provides the meta-data model for the direct (OLAP) access of (operational) databases. |
Name | PMC Metadata Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.PMC |
Description | Provides the meta-data model for the Process Cubes/PMC data model according to van der Aalst and Bolt. |
Semantics Plug-ins
Name | Transactional Life-Cycle Semantic Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.Semantic.LifeCycle |
Description | Provides a semantic extension of the meta-data model to annotate attributes as information on the transactional life-cycle. |
Meta-data UI Plug-ins
Name | Default Metadata UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.UI.Default |
Description | Provides user interface components for the PMCube default data cube model. |
Name | Direct Access Metadata UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.UI.DirectAccess |
Description | Provides user interface components for the direct access data cube model. |
Name | PMC Metadata UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Metadata.UI.PMC |
Description | Provides user interface components for the Process Cubes / PMC data cube model. |
OLAP Server Plug-ins
Name | Default OLAP Server |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.Default |
Description | Provides OLAP functionalities for the PMCube default data cube model. |
Name | Direct Access Olap Server Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.DirectAccess |
Description | Provides OLAP functionalities for the direct access data cube model. |
Name | PMC Olap Server Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.PMC |
Description | Provides OLAP functionalities for the Process Cubes / PMC data cube model. |
OLAP Server UI Plug-ins
Name | Default Olap Server UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.UI.Default |
Description | Provides user interface components for the OLAP functionalities of the PMCube default data cube model. |
Name | Direct Access OLAP Server UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.UI.DirectAccess |
Description | Provides user interface components for the OLAP functionalities of the direct access data cube model. |
Name | PMC OLAP Server UI Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.OlapServer.UI.Pmc |
Description | Provides user interface components for the OLAP functionalities of the Process Cubes / PMC data cube model. |
Process Discovery Plug-ins
Name | Change Tree Miner |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.ChangeTreeMiner |
Description | Provides an implementation of the Change Tree Miner algorithm |
Name | Flexible Heuristics Miner (FHM) |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.FlexibleHeuristicsMiner |
Description | Provides an implementation of the Flexible Heuristics Miner process discovery algorithm. |
Name | FuzzyMiner |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.FuzzyMiner |
Description | Provides an implementation of the Fuzzy Miner process discovery algorithm. |
Name | Inductive Miner V3 |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.InductiveMinerV3 |
Description | Provides an implementation of the Inductive Miner (- Infrequent) process discovery algorithm). |
Binary Significance Metric Plug-Ins
Name | Frequency Significance |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.FuzzyMiner.Metrics.BinaryFrequencySignificance |
Description | Provides the calculation of the binary frequency significance metric for the Fuzzy Miner process discovery algortihm. |
Binary Correlation Metric Plug-ins
Name | Proximity Correlation |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.FuzzyMiner.Metrics.ProximityCorrelation |
Description | Provides the calculation of the proximity correlation metric for the Fuzzy Miner process discovery algortihm. |
Unary Significance Plug-ins
Name | Frequency Significance |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessDiscovery.FuzzyMiner.Metrics.UnaryFrequencySignificance |
Description | Provides the calculation of the unary frequency significance metric for the Fuzzy Miner process discovery algortihm. |
Process Model Plug-ins
Name | BPMN |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.BPMN |
Description | Provides the data structures for BPMN process models. |
Name | Causal net |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.CausalNet |
Description | Provides the data structures for Causal Net process models. |
Name | Change Tree |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.ChangeTree |
Description | Provides the data structures for Change Tree process models. |
Name | Merged Annotated Transition System |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.MergedATS |
Description | Provides the data structures for Merged Annotated Transition Systems (ATS) process models. |
Name | Petri net |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.PetriNet |
Description | Provides the data structures for Petri Net process models. |
Name | Process map |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.ProcessMap |
Description | Provides the data structures for Process Map process models. |
Name | Process tree |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.ProcessTree |
Description | Provides the data structures for Process Tree process models. |
Process Model Converter Plug-ins
Name | Process Tree To BPMN Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.Converter.ProcessTreeToBPMNConverter |
Description | Provides a process model converter for transforming Process Trees into BPMN process models. |
Name | Process tree to petri net converter plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ProcessModel.Converter.ProcessTreeToPetriNetConverter |
Description | Provides a process model converter for transforming Process Trees into Petri Nets. |
Time Enhancement Plug-ins
Name | Process Map Time Enhancement Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.TimeEnhancement.ProcessMap |
Description | Provides an enhancement of Process Map process models with the waiting times between two activities |
View Model Converter Plug-ins
Name | BPMN View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.BPMN |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a BPMN process model into the respective view model. |
Name | Change Tree View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.ChangeTree |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a Change Tree process model into the respective view model. |
Name | Merged Annotated Transition System (ATS) View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.MergedATS |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a Merged Annotated Transition System (ATS) process model into the respective view model. |
Name | Petri Net View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.PetriNet |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a Petri Net process model into the respective view model. |
Name | Process Map View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.ProcessMap |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a Process Map process model into the respective view model. |
Name | Process Tree View Model Converter |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.ViewModelConverter.ProcessTree |
Description | Provides the view model converter to translate a Process Tree process model into the respective view model. |
Styling Operation Plug-ins
Name | Remove Activity Style Operation Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.Visualization.Style.ProcessMap.RemoveActivity |
Description | Provides a styling operation that enables the interactive removing of event with a particualr activity from the event log by double-clicking a node in a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Correlation Style Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.Correlation |
Description | Provides a styling operation that visualizes the correlation in a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Diff Status Style Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.DiffStatus |
Description | Provides a styling operation that visualizes the diff status in a Process Map (diff) process model. |
Name | ProcessMap Map Style Operation Filter Activity |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.FilterActivity |
Description | Provides a styling operation that enables interactive filtering of event logs by double-clicking a node in a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Frequency Style Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.Frequency |
Description | Provides a styling operation that visualizes the frequency of nodes and edges in a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Show Information Style Operation Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.InformationView |
Description | Provides a styling operation for interactively showing additional information of nodes and edges of a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Significance Style Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.Significance |
Description | Provides a styling operation that visualizes the significance of nodes and edges in a Process Map process model. |
Name | Process Map Time Distance Style Plugin |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.Style.ProcessMap.TimeDistance |
Description | Provides a styling operation that enables the interactive visualization of waiting times between two tasks in a Process Map process model. |
View Model Plug-ins
Name | BPMN View Model |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.BPMN |
Description | Provides the view model for BPMN process models. |
Name | Change Tree View Model |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.ChangeTree |
Description | Provides the view model for Change Tree process models. |
Name | Merged Annotated Transition System View Model |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.MergedATS |
Description | Provides the view model for Merged Annotated Transition Systems (ATS) process models. |
Name | Petri Net View Model |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.PetriNet |
Description | Provides the view model for Petri Net process models. |
Name | Process map |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.ProcessMap |
Description | Provides the view model for Process Map process models. |
Name | Process Tree |
Assembly | PMCubeExplorer.VisualizationV3.ViewModel.ProcessTree |
Description | Provides the view model for Process Tree process models. |