Before starting the first analysis, it is recommended to configure the tool. To customize the application settings, click on the Application settings button in the start tab. The application settings dialog showing up provides multiple settings on different pages. The following sections will give a brief overview of the available configuration options.
Changes of some particular settings will only take effect after a restart of the application.
General Settings
On this page, you can select the configuration file for the logger. Interactive PMCube Explorer uses the Apache log4net library (a .NET port of the log4j library). To enable the logging, create a configuration file (see log4net documentation for details) and select it in the application settings.
Additionally, you can also set maximum tree depth of XML documents handled by the serializer. However, the default value should be fine in most cases.
On the Paths page, you can configure the default paths for the import and export files (e.g., process models, images), a default folder for storing meta-data files, and the default folder for the setting files of process mining algorithms. Furthermore, you have to specify the file that will store your database connection information.
On this page, you can customize the appearance of the process model visualization (e.g., node size, distances between nodes etc.). Most of the settings are specific for a particular process model type. To edit the appearance of a specific view model, you can select the corresponding process model notation from the drop-down list.
The drop-down menu is only used for switching the configuration pages of the different process model types. Selecting a particular process model type does not change the type of the discovered process models. The type of the discovered process model is determined by the selected discovery algorithm and can only be changed in the configuration of the process discovery algorithm (if supported) or by a process model converter (accessible from the main windows Process Model tab).
Process Model Diff
On this page, you can select the algorithm that should be used to create difference models.
Process Discovery
Here, you can select the default process discovery algorithm. This algorithm will be automatically selected on application start-up. Optionally, you can also select a configuration file to provide customized default settings to the selected default algorithm.
The Plug-ins page gives you an overview of all plug-ins that have been loaded at the start-up of the application. To search for a particular plug-in, the text field on the top of the page allows you to filter the plug-in list.
By default, the tool provides multiple plug-ins. Therefore, an empty plug-in list indicates that the path to the plug-in folder is not correctly set. To fix this issue, you can select the plug-in directory and confirm it by clicking the Okay button. Now, the plug-ins should be loaded when restarting the application.