The MEP functions on this page are to work with graph (creation, modification, graph algorithms, ...). The used graph libraries are those from

See also the related Graph Data Types in Odysseus. To use the MEP functions, the Graph Server Feature is needed.

For developers: Feel free to use the above mentioned gs libraries and data types to create new MEP functions. The bundle for the MEP functions that you might enhance is And don't forget to keep this page up-to-date.

AddAttributeToGraphElement(Graph/GraphNode/GraphEdge element, String attributeKey, String/Object attributeValue)

Add an attribute to a graph element. The first input is one of the three Graph Data Types, the second key of the attribute, and the third the value of the attribute. The output is the updated graph element.

output1 = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['AddAttributeToGraphElement(graph, "label", "super graph")', 'graph']]}, input)
output2 = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['AddAttributeToGraphElement(node, "label", "super node")', 'node']]}, input)
output3 = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['AddAttributeToGraphElement(edge, "label", "super edge")', 'edge']]}, input)

AddEdgeToGraph(GraphEdge edge, Graph graph)

Adds an edge to a graph. If there already exists an edge with the same id, its former attributes will be replaced by the attributes of the new edge . The first input is an Edge Data Type, the second a Graph Data Type. The output is the updated graph.

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['AddEdgeToGraph(edge, graph)', 'graph']]}, input)

AddNodeToGraph(GraphNode node, Graph graph)

Adds a node to a graph. If there already exists a node with the same id, its former attributes will be replaced by the attributes of the new node. The first input is a Node Data Type, the second a Graph Data Type. The output is the updated graph.

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['AddNodeToGraph(node, graph)', 'graph']]}, input)

FindNodesByPattern(Graph graph, String pattern)

Find all nodes in a graph, which id fulfills a given pattern. The first input is a Graph Data Type, the second a pattern for the nodeId.match(pattern) call. The output is a List_GraphNode Data Type.

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['FindNodesByPattern(graph, "nodesStartingWithThis.*")', 'nodes_list']]}, input)

GetAllEdges(Graph graph)

Gets a list of all edges of a graph. The input is a Graph Data Types. The output is a List_GraphEdge Data Type.

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['GetAllEdges(graph)', 'edges']]}, input)

GetAllNodes(Graph graph)

Gets a list of all nodes of a graph. The input is a Graph Data Types. The output is a List_GraphNode Data Type.

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['GetAllNodes(graph)', 'nodes']]}, input)

GetGraphElementId(Graph/GraphNode/GraphEdge element)

Gets the id of a graph element (a graph, node or edge). The input is one of the three Graph Data Types. The output is the id (String).

output = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [['GetGraphElementId(mygraph)', 'graphId'], ['GetGraphElementId(mynode)', 'nodeId'], ['GetGraphElementId(myedge)', 'edgeId']]}, input)
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