Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • NonBlockingTcp: This parameter defines a tcp TCP socket connection to a server where the communication does not block. Each time new data is available it is send to the system automatically (Java Nio).
    • The following options are available:
      • Host: The name or IP of the server
      • Port: The port number of the server
      • Autoconnect: A boolean indicating if on a access failure the connection should be reinitialized again. (currently not supported!)


  • Line: This simple handler just reads one line from the input and sends the Text to the data handler.
    • Delay [in ms] To reduce the data rate
  • SimpleCSV: This handler is similar to line. Additionally, it splits the line based on a delimiter that needs to be set in the options. This handler does not treat escaping of the delimiter (e.g. by quotes or backslash). A string array is send to the data handler.
    • Delimiter: The delimiter that separates each element from another.
  • CSV: Same as SimpleCSV but treats quotes. Because this version is slower used SimpleCSV if no quoted elements are contained in the source.
  • Text: This handler can be used to identify elements in a character stream where a distinct delimiter is used to separate the objects. The whole object is send to the data handler.
    • Delimiter: The delimiter that should be used to separate the object
    • KeepDelimiter: A flag that indicates if the delimiter should be part of the result send to the data handler or not
    • Charset: The java Java char set that should be used to decode the input (e.g. "utf-8").


  • Multi_Value: Creates a list. The schema defines the type of the list elements.
  • Tuple: Creates a tuple. The schema parameter defines the set type of the elements


The following pql PQL command creates a new source with


AccessAO, AccessAOBuilder ¿ PQL Documentation
GenericPush and GenericPull
New Wrapper

Existing Extensions



PQL - Sender

To publish processed data with PQL the SENDER-Operator is needed. This operator takes care of the application depending and transport depending transformation and delivery of the processed elements in the data stream.
