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  1. Rest Information Services

    Odysseus allows to access further information via a specific REST-Enpoint. http://localhost:8888/services/information/ http://localhost:8888/services/information/ Currently, the following information can be retrieved: odysseusid (http://localhost:8888/services/information/odysseusid/
    OdysseusFeb 08, 2023
  2. REST interface V2

    This REST interface is the new standard for communication with odysseus. Remark: In Client-Server-Scenarios you will need http://<host> http://localhost in the connection information. The default port is 8888 (can be changed) We provide a OpenAPI specification for the current state of the REST interface
    OdysseusOct 21, 2019
  3. Reading Query Results via REST/Websocket

    You can access the installed queries of the server with the queries endpoint. If e.g. the would be a query with id 0, you could access the query with: http://localhost:8888/queries/0 http://localhost:8888/queries/0 The result will look similar to the following: image2021-3-11_12-39-53.png The important part for acce
    OdysseusMar 11, 2021
  4. OdysseusNet Getting Started

    ="net.node.communicator">rest</entry> <entry key="net.node.preserveid">false</entry> <entry key="net.querydistribute.minport">10000</entry> <entry key="net.autostart">true … =MulticastOdysseusNodeDiscoverer,BroadcastOdysseusNodeDiscoverer,IPListOdysseusNodeDiscoverer - net.node.communicator=rest volumes: - ./node01:/var/lib
    OdysseusJan 20, 2023
  5. OdysseusNet Projects

    must be part of the same subnet) and REST-based (only the master node must be an OdysseusNet node, the other nodes are default Odysseus nodes). Only one … to communicate with default Odysseus nodes by using the REST interface V2 of Odysseus. The internal messages of OdysseusNet are caught and translated to REST class
    OdysseusJun 28, 2021
  6. WSEnrich operator This operator can be used to access an external web service (REST, SOAP and XML-RPC) and enrich incomming elements … should be accessed: Possible Values 'REST', 'SOAP' and 'XML-RPC' (beta) wsdlLocation: url to the location of the wsdl file, i.e. what is the address of the web
    OdysseusMay 05, 2022
  7. Development with Odysseus

    instance of Odysseus (without any GUI) which can be used e.g. via a REST. Odysseus Studio 2 (Client) - (located in
    OdysseusFeb 06, 2024
  8. Adding features to products

    The base products for server, client and monolithic contain only a standard set of features. If you want to add additional features (e.g. REST to the server) you need to extend the product files. Here is an example how to extend the server product with the REST feature: Open the Server product image2017-2-21 14:44
    OdysseusSept 29, 2017
  9. HttpServer

    This transport handler can be used to send Odysseus POST or PUT messages (e.g. via REST) You will need to install the "Web Feature" to use this handler. Parameter: Path: The path the server should listen to. When not given, path is "/" Port: The port for the http server. When not given: 8080 Hostname: The name
    OdysseusJan 25, 2023
  10. List Functions

    ] or elementAt(l,0) last(List l) returns the last element of the list. rest(List l) returns a new list containing every element, except the first element. sublist
    OdysseusDec 20, 2022